May 2020 Parish Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Edenham Parish Council Meeting Held Via Zoom Platform on Tuesday 12th May 2020 at 19:30 hrs.

Present: Parish Cllrs: Mr R Biggs (Chairman), Mrs P Cranfield (Vice Chairman), Mrs A Whadcock, Mr D Bradley, Mr T Clarke, Mr A Wilson, Mrs C Sands (Parish Clerk).

20/21 1.0 Open Forum, Topics/Discussions (as raised by members of the public).

As there were no members of the public on the Zoom meeting platform the Chairman closed the Open Forum and opened the Parish Council Meeting.

20/21 2.0 Commencement of Parish Council Meeting 

20/21 2.1 Apologies: None

20/21 2.2  Approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 10th March 2020 - Minutes approved by all Cllrs, minutes signed by the Chairman as a true record.

20/21 3.0 Request for Dispensation, none recevied

20/21 4.0 Declarations of Interest: Cllr Biggs - Agenda items - Planning Matters - Planning applications detailed in points 7.4, 7.5 & 7.6

20/21 5.0 Coronavirus Pandemic Support

Information from Edenham and Grimsthorpe Steam Action - Lucie Wilson (Chairman)

Steam Action (SA) have been keeping in touch with everyone in the Parish aged 60 and over. This is a mixture of texting, daily or weekly phone calls or chats on the door step (adhering to social distancing at all times). As well as chatting we are out shopping, picking up prescriptions, baking and leaving cakes on doorsteps, as well sewing scrubs and baking for our local hospital. Father Ed who is part of SA has also been live streaming services everyday and having after service tea, cake and chats via Zoom. More recently we wrote and delivered a newsletter to all in the Parish, as the three towers is no longer in print. And we’ve helped residents get set up with various Zoom and Facebook accounts so they can stay in touch with family and the community.

The Parish Council would like to thank all of the Steam Action Volunteers for the role that they have played during the current pandemic and the support that they are continuing to offer to the residents during this difficult time.

20/21 6.0 Parish Matters & Update from Previous Meeting:

20/21 6.1 - Street Cleaning Vacancy Update - Mr K Alder has been appointed to the role of Community Street Cleaner, the employment offer and contract are progressing, The Parish Council are currently awaiting the grant from SKDC to be paid, this has been delayed due to employees within the District Council being redeployed to support  additional work due to the pandemic.

20/21 6.2 - SID  Update - there has been lower volume of traffic due to the current lockdown controls. The unit is now in position at Pillarwood.

20/21 6.3 - Road Condition - Tumblerow Farm/Scottlethorpe Road - Additional repairs to the road have been completed, some of the large areas of erosion on the road sides have been filled with hardcore/gravel and some smaller potholes filled with tarmac. Cllrs agreed that the road condition should be continue to be monitored. 

There are still concerns that there is a collapsed drain in the area around Tumblerow Farm and that this is having a fundamental impact on the road, it was agreed by all Cllrs. that the Parish Clerk contact the Highways Dept to ask for further investigations.

A polite reminder that anyone can raise issues of potholes in the local areas via the 'Fix My Street' App.

20/21 6.4 - Gigabyte Voucher Scheme - Cllr T Clarke is currently waiting for confirmed costs for fibre connections for three businesses and seven residential properties. The last contact was mid April, when the contractors confirmed that they were going to contact the landowner Grimsthorpe Estates to discuss digging in the local areas. Cllr Clarke agreed to contract the contractors for an update on progress and to feedback at the next meeting.

20/216.5 - Anglian Water Work - Grass verges - Anglian water have still not replied to the complaint relating to damage of the grass verges around Church Lane during works at the sewage plant. Parish Clerk to continue to chase Anglian Water for a reply.

20/21 6.6  Parish Councillor Vacancy - By Election Notices posted 9th April

There has been no confirmed interest in the vacant position for a Councillor, the election notice was for 14 days, this ended on 1st May 2020.

20/21 6.7 Casual Councillor Vacancy Notices - The role is now advertised as a Councillor Casual Vacancy, if any parishioners are interested in becoming involved in Local Government they should contact either one of the Councillors or the Parish Clerk.

20/21 6.8 - Hedge/Tree trimming near the BT Exchange in Grimsthorpe - BT/Openreach have been contacted to make them aware of  the Parish Council concerns relating to the height of the conifer trees and the adjacent damaged wall. The Operational Contract Support Manager from BT has acknowledged the contact email from the Parish Clerk and a response is currently awaited from them.

20/21 6.9 - Local Security - implementation of a 'No Cold Calling Zone' - The process for implementing the scheme has been put on hold until the current lockdown controls are lifted. This will be reviewed at the next meeting.

20/21 6.10 - Flower Beds in the village - It was agreed by all Cllrs. that the Parish Clerk contact the Highways Dept. to gather information on the legal aspect and controls required relating to flower beds near the Grimsthorpe and Edenham Village signs on the Main A151. Once this information is available further consideration will take place at the next meeting.

20/21 6.11 Unwanted bulky items collection/removal - There have recently been reports of a number of different items being left at the edge of properties and near garages. Residents are reminded that SKDC offer a service for the removal of unwanted bulky items, e.g. old sofa's, carpets and fridges etc, for a fee. Information on the service and costs can be found on SKDC website, there are also links on the website for residents to report fly tipping.

20/2 16.12 New Parish Website - A new website is currently under development, once completed further information will be shared, along with the web  address. In the meantime the current website is still available for all Parish information.

 20/216.13 Parish Insurance Renewal - Please see financial report and correspondence.

20/21 6.14  Scottlethorpe Rd - Volume of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) and speed of smaller vehicles, e.g. vans/cars - The lockdown controls have resulted in more people being at home during the day and some residents have raised concerns about the volume of traffic that use the road, the speed of some vehicles and the conditions of the road as a result of this volume. The Parish Cllrs. have been in contact with the Highways Dept. and repairs are taking place, however, as far as the Parish Council are aware there are no plans to carry-out any major changes to this road or to the businesses on the road.

20/21 6.15 LALC Annual Training Subscription - This is an additional cost to the LALC membership, however by paying this fee it will reduce the costs of training which is required for the new PC Clerk. All Cllrs. agreed that the subscriptions be paid for financial year 20/21.

20/21 7.0 Planning Matters

20/21 7.1 Application S20/0146 - Featherwell Farm Grimsthorpe - Conversion of various agricultural barns into two residential properties. Following the site visit by Cllrs. on 4th March  to review the plans, the Parish Council had no comments to make with regard to this application. SKDC Notification of Parish Council Representations completed by the Parish Clerk and returned 16th March 2020.

20/21 7.2 Application S20/0355 - 30 Scottlethorpe Road - Erection of porch and internal alterations. The Parish Council had no comments to make with regard to this application. SKDC Notification of Parish Council Representations completed by the Parish Clerk and returned 16th March 2020.

20/21 7.3 Application S20/0407 - Grimsthorpe Shooting Ground - Relocation and enlargement of existing storage /maintenance shed.  The Parish Council had no comments to make with regard to this application. SKDC Notification of Parish Council Representations completed by the Parish Clerk and returned 6th April 2020.

20/21 7.4 Application S20/0383 - The Piggery, Grimsthorpe Estate, Swinstead - Demolition of existing agricultural/storage structures and construction of new estate yard comprising sheds for storage of plant equipment, agricultural/estate vehicles, machinery and materials, with workshops and welfare facilities.

On review of the plans the Parish Council raised representation for this application, due to the fact that it is a large industrial building on the edge of, and clearly visible from, a Listed Historic Parkland. The Parish Council asked for its consideration to be delayed until a site visit can be arranged to allow Cllr's to assess the visual impact of the proposal. Two other points were also raised: 1).The applicant should provide the floor areas of the buildings in the existing estate yard that the proposed building will 

replace. 2).Confirmation if planning permission was granted for the partially demolished buildings that are currently on the development site.    

SKDC Notification of Parish Council Representations completed by the Parish Clerk and returned 17th April 2020.

20/21 7.5 Application S20/0661 - Grimsthorpe Estate - Construction of a new public art gallery and associated improvements to existing visitor facilities including alterations to the Grade II listed Old Coach House to create a new entrance to the Coach House Yard, a new shop, meeting space, storage & support space, alterations to the Old Stables including conversion to new cafe, alterations to Under loft Building and Old

Water Tower Shed. Alterations to existing car park and creation of new visitor car park and associated landscaping.

On reviewing the plans the Parish Council have no comments to make with regard to this application. SKDC Notification of Parish Council Representations to be completed by the Parish Clerk and returned by 29th May 2020.

20/21 7.6 Application S20/0662 - Grimsthorpe Estate - Construction of a new public art gallery and associated improvements to existing visitor facilities including alterations to the Grade II listed Old Coach House to create a new entrance to the Coach House Yard, a new shop, meeting space, storage & support space, alterations to the Old Stables including conversion to new cafe, alterations to Under loft Building and Old

Water Tower Shed. Alterations to existing car park and creation of new visitor car park and associated landscaping.

On reviewing the plans the Parish Council have no comments to make with regard to this application. SKDC Notification of Parish Council Representations to be completed by the Parish Clerk and returned by 29th May 2020.

Full details for all planning applications can be found on South Kesteven planning application website -

20/21 8.0 Financial Matters:

20/21 8.1 Expenditure - Final Payments Financial Year 2019/20

HMRC 4th Qtr - £54.60

Parish Clerk 4th Qtr salary (New) - £162.36

Parish Clerk & Street Cleaning 4th Qtr (Outgoing) 4th Qtr salary - £218.62 (N.B this is a correction from the previous meeting)

Zurich Insurance Renewal Notice - Due 1st June 2020 (2020/21) £250.26

LALC Training Subscriptions - £90.00

20/21 8.2 Receipts

Precept - £2,950.00 (2020/21) paid by SKDC.

20/21 8.3 Internet Banking - This has been progressed to enable ease of payments during the current lockdown controls and is now fully operational.

20/21 8.4 Financial accounts for 2019/20 - The end of year accounts have been slightly delayed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, however, this is in line with the 2019/20 Limited assurance reporting season. The government recently issued the following changes in legislation in respect of authorities subject to the limited assurance regime: Statutory Instruments 2020 No. 392 Local Government, England Police, England And Wales - The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations and Statutory Instruments 2020 No. 404 Local Government, England And Wales The Accounts and Audit (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020.

Annual Accounts, Bank Reconciliation/Internal Audit Report - All Cllr's accepted the accounts. Thanks to Mrs M Marshall for completing the internal audit  for 2019/20.

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/20 (AGAR) - Exemption Certificate, Section 1 Governance Statements, Section 2 - Accounting Statements -  have been accepted and approved. The Chairman signed the accounts on behalf of the Parish Council.

Parish Council Clerk to action publication of the AGAR Exemption Certificate, Section 1- Governance Statements, Section 2 - Accounting Statements and the notice period for the exercise of public rights and other information required by Regulation 15 (2) Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 on the Parish Website.

20/21 9.0 Correspondence

20/21 9.1 Quantum Air Fibre (email 23rd March 20) - are a Lincolnshire based Internet Service Provider (ISP), they state that the company aim to provide reliable internet services locally. The Regional Manager, for Quantum Air Fibre has offered to attend a Parish Council meeting to give an overview of the company. Cllr T Clarke will contact the company and provide feedback at the next Parish Council meeting.  

20/21 9.2 Highways Dept Letter (8th April 20) - The letter states that during a recent inspection that gravel from the car park at the Village Hall, has been trafficked onto the carriageway at Church Lane, to such an extent that it now represents a risk to the travelling public. They also state that they wish to carry out minor repair works and sweeping will incur additional costs to the works, which they wish to avoid. The Village Hall Committee were informed, and agreed to get this cleared as soon as possible and thanked the Highways for their understanding in these times with lockdown rules. It was confirmed that the gravel has recently been cleared by Mr Heath Cranfield. Parish Council Clerk to inform the Highways Dept.

20/21 9.3 Anglian Water Notification of Planned works (Letter 23rd March 20) - The letter states that - Anglian Water have a strategic water network programme which will benefit our community as part of Anglian Water’s investment to ensure resilient water supplies for the long term environmental and social prosperity of our region. As part of this programme, they are planning to install a water pipeline from Grantham to Peterborough to provide additional resilience in the area. They are currently identifying the likely route for these pipelines and considering timescales for delivery. They are working on routes that seek to minimise any impact to the local environment and disruption to the community. Anglian Water teams are carrying out survey work and, in some areas, limited investigations of sites of archaeological interest. This preliminary work will be taking place over the next few months (in accordance with the current government advice during this period). Anglian Water appreciate that this planned work may impact some people within your area, and we will be contacting landowners and farmers about the works.

The Parish Clerk contacted Anglian Water, who confirmed that they are at very early stages of route planning and have no further details to share at this time, however, general area of the planned route includes Edenham.

20/21 9.4  Zurich Insurance Renewal Notice (email 22nd April 20) - see financial statement. This is a slight increase on 2018/19, approx £2. The renewal is due 1st June 2020, all Cllrs agreed to progress this payment.

20/21 9.5 Lives Charity (letter 18th March 20) - a local, Lincolnshire based charity who provide a rapid 999 emergency medical response throughout Lincolnshire.  Cllrs confirmed that they do not wish to donate to the Lives Charity at this time.

20/21 10.0 Matters for the next meeting - No other matters were raised.

Confirmation of next meeting date - The next meeting of Edenham Parish Council will take place on Tuesday, 14th July 2020 in Edenham Village Hall (Coronavirus controls permitting) at 7:30pm.

With there being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.58 hrs.