Parish Council Meeting Agenda 12th March 2024

Parish Council of Edenham, Grimsthorpe, Elsthorpe & Scottlethorpe

To all Council Members of Edenham, Grimsthorpe, Elsthorpe and Scottlethorpe Parish Council. You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the above-named Council to be held in Edenham Village Hall, Church Lane, Edenham on Tuesday 12th March 2024, commencing at 19:30 hours. The business to be transacted at the meeting is as follows:

Public Open Forum : A period of 10 minutes when members of the public may ask Councillors questions or make short statements to the Parish Council. Any new items will be added to the next Parish Council meeting.

District Council & County Council update: (if applicable)

Commencement of the Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies: Councillors Mrs M Avis

2. Approval of Minutes: From 9th January 2024 meeting.

3. Request for dispensation: If required

4. Declaration of interest: If required.

5. Parish Clerk and Councillors update from previous meeting. 

5.1 Councillor Email Addresses: Update Parish Clerk 

5.2  Anglian Water/Highways: Main Street Edenham

5.3 School Parking: Update on Coal Yard Frontage. 

6. New Meeting Matters:

6.1 D-Day 6th June 24

6.2 BT/Openreach Building: Conifer trees

6.3 Edenham Village Hall Lease: update from Councillor Wilson

6.4 PC End of Year Audit: Parish Clerk

7. Play Area Information:

7.1 Internal Inspection: Councillor Treacy

7.2 Maintenance Works: Parish Clerk

8. Planning Matters:

8.1 S24-0137 Grimsthorpe: Conversion of deer field to a dog exercise area

9. Financial Matters

9.1 Receipts: (If applicable)

9.2 Expenditure: Since last meeting. (Jan & Feb)

                        Maintenance grants:  Village Hall £300

                        Carol Singing costs: £56.40

                        PC Admin costs: £42.48

9.3 Expenditure: (Due March & April to be discussed & agreed)

                        Maintenance grant: Church Yard Grass cutting

                        LALC Membership: £99.06

                        LALC Training scheme: £120

                        Salaries: Parish Clerk & Community Street Cleaning

                        End of Year Audit:

9.4 Bank Reconciliation Report:

                        Treasurers Acc  and Business Acc                

10.Correspondence: (If applicable)

10.1 SKDC recycling & bin collections

10.2 Temporary Traffic restriction notices School Lane

10.3 LCC electric vehicle charger points

10.4 Boothby Wildland & River restoration  

10.5 South Kesteven District Council - Local Plan Review - Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan Consultation


11.Next Meeting Date: Agree the date for next PC Meeting and the annual Parish Meeting


Displayed 4th March 2024