Annual Parish & Annual Parish Council Meeting Agendas 21st May 2024

The  Annual Parish meeting will be held in Edenham Village Hall, Church Lane, Edenham on Tuesday 21st May 2024,commencing at 19:00 hours.  


Annual Parish Meeting Agenda

1.Approval of Minutes: For Annual Parish Meeting 2023

2.Matters Arising: If applicable

3.Public Forum: As required.


To all Council Members of Edenham, Grimsthorpe, Elsthorpe and Scottlethorpe Parish Council. You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Parish Council  meeting of the above-named Council to be held in Edenham Village Hall, Church Lane, Edenham on Tuesday 21st May 2024,commencing at 19:30 hours. The business to be transacted at the meeting is as follows:

A minutes silence will be held prior to the start of the Annual Parish Council meeting to show respect for Councillor Tim Clarke (Parish Council Chairman) who sadly passed away Thursday 25th April 2024.

Annual Parish Council Meeting Agenda - Commencing at 19:30 hours.

1.Acceptance of Office

1.1.Declaration of Pecuniary Interest forms: - To be completed.

1.2.Election of Officers: Chairman & Vice Chairman - Acceptance of Office forms

2.Public Open Forum - A period of 10 minutes when members of the public may ask Councillors questions or make short statements to the Parish Council. Any new items will be added to the next Parish Council meeting.

2.1.Lincolnshire County Council & South Kesteven District Council update: If available

3.Commencement of the Annual Parish Council Meeting

3.1.Apologies: Councillor Mrs M Avis

3.2.Approval of Minutes: To approve as a true record the minutes of the previous meeting 12th March 2024.

4.Request for dispensation: If required

5.Declaration of interest: If required

6.Parish Clerk and Councillors update from previous meeting.

6.1 Councillor Email Addresses: Parish Clerk

6.2 Flooding Main Street Edenham: Councillor Mr D Hawes

6.3 Parking Coal yard: Parish Clerk

6.4 D-Day 6th June 24 Lantern:  Parish Clerk

6.5 Parish Clerk position: Parish Clerk

6.6 Church Yard maintenance: Parish Clerk

6.7 King Charles 3rd Framed Photograph: Parish Clerk

7. Play Area Information.  

7.1Internal inspection report: Councillor  Treacy

7.2 Maintenance Quotes: Parish Clerk

8. Village Hall: Councillor Mr A Wilson

9. Planning Matters.

9.1New applications: S24/137/FULL/MJB/PC2 Grimsthorpe Dog Exercise area.

10. Financial Matters

10.1 Receipts: Annual Precept & Street Cleaning

10.2 Expenditure: (Paid April as agreed by the Council at 9th March 2024 meeting )

LALC Membership & Training Fee £219.06

Play Dale £192 (works quotation fee)

(Expenditure to be agreed at this meeting)

D-Day Lantern £55

           Zurich Insurance Policy £405 (Due 1st June 24)

           Salaries: Street Cleaning, Parish Clerk & HMRC PAYE 1st Qtr (Due End June 24)

           Parish Council Admin: Ink cartridge

       10.3  Bank Reconciliation Report:

10.4  Annual Accounts/Internal Audit: Chairman to sign off accounts if accepted.

10.5  Restating Agar Figures: Parish Clerk

10.5 AGAR Exemption Certificate 

10.6 AGAR Section 1 - Governance Statement for approval

10.7 AGAR Section 2 - Accounting Statements for approval

11. Correspondence: If applicable

12. Next Meeting Date - 12th July 2023 at 19:30 hours


Agenda posted by Parish Clerk 9th May 2024