Parish Council Meeting 12th November 2024
Parish Council Meeting Minutes.
Present: Parish Councillors: Mrs P Cranfield (Chairman), Mr A Wilson, Mrs A Treacy.
In Attendance: Mrs Carole Sands (Parish Clerk), Mrs L Unwin (Grimsthorpe Resident) and Lincolnshire County Council, Councillor Mr M Hill.
1. Public Open Forum: The Chairman welcomed Mrs L Unwin to the meeting and thanked her for showing an interest in the current Councillor vacancy. (See agenda item 2.3). As there were no other members of the public present the Chairman closed the open forum.
1.1 Lincolnshire County Council: Councillor Mr M Hill confirmed that work to clear the drains of debris along the A151 in Edenham will take place on 3rd December 2024.
There has been no further progress made with regards to the flooding seen previously by Pillarwood Farm Pre-school.
Investigations are ongoing with regards to the water on the A151 road surface opposite the Five Bells Public House. Councillor Hill will follow this up again with Highways.
Anglian Water are carrying out work in local areas to level land previously cleared for the new water pipe.
South Kesteven District Council update: Not in attendance
2. Commencement of the Parish Council Meeting
2.1 Apologies: Apologies were received and accepted for Councillors Mrs M Avis, Mr D Hawes (Vice Chair) and Mrs M Marshall.
2.2 Approval of Minutes: It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting 10th September 2024 as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Councillor Wilson and seconded by Councillor Cranfield.
2.3 Councillor Vacancy: Mrs L Unwin gave a brief overview of her life, interests and reason for wishing to join the Parish Council via Co-opt vacancy. It was RESOLVED by the members that Mrs Unwin be co-opted to the Parish Council. Acceptance of office forms were completed and signed. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest form to be completed and returned to the Parish Clerk.
3. Request for dispensation: If required
4. Declaration of interest: Councillor Mr A Wilson Agenda (item 8)
5. Parish Clerk and Councillors update from previous meeting.
5.1 Councillor Email Addresses: Parish Clerk reported that due to other workload this has not progressed. This will be added to the next meeting agenda.
5.2 Parking Coal yard: Parish Clerk reported that the work to add a permanent solution to prevent parking has not progressed. This will be added to the next meeting agenda.
5.3 Drains: Councillor Hill LCC, confirmed work will take place 3rd December 24.
5.4 Parish Christmas Carols: Date confirmed 17th December 2024, starting at 18:30hrs. Councillor Cranfield to purchase the refreshments and batteries for the tree lights. Grimsthorpe Castle Estate have confirmed that they will provide the Christmas tree. Steam Action team will also be attending. Everyone welcome to come along on the night.
6. Play Area Information.
6.1 Internal inspection report: Councillors Treacy's report was circulated to the Council Members prior to this meeting. Nothing major to report.
6.2 Maintenance works: All areas where concrete was visible, and the grass was worn have been filled and grass seed scattered. The play area is currently cordoned off with tape to allow the grass to grow and recover, therefore we kindly ask that the play area is not used until the tape is removed by the Parish Council. Edenham school have been advised of this and Councillor Wilson agreed to see if this could be shared on the Village Hall website. The Parish Clerk raised concerns about the grass cutting contractors who have recently caused damage to the areas that were reseeded in September, Councillor Wilson agreed to raise this with them.
7. New Council Matters:
7.1 Interim Internal Audit Report: This was circulated to the Council members in advance of this meeting. The Council Members RESOLVED to accept the report. An action plan will be progressed to cover points raised. There was one urgent matter raised by the Auditor which needs to be resolved at this meeting and that is the Parish Clerks contract of employment and pay scale. This is not in line with the recommended pay scales from National Association of Local Councils (NALC) or Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC). It was RESOLVED by the Council Members that this should be SCP 15, and it will be reviewed again when new the pay scales are published in April 2025.
8. Village Hall: Nothing to report with regards to the lease.
9. Planning Matters.
9.1 New applications: Nothing to report.
10. Financial Matters
10.1 Receipts: SKDC Community Street Cleaning Grant (Oct 24 to March 25) £463.32
10.2 Expenditure: (Paid September & October, as agreed by the Council 10th September 2024 meeting)
ROSPA Annual Inspection: Play Area £93.60 inc VAT
HMRC PAYE & 2nd Qtr Salaries: £422.66
Internal Audit: Half year fee: Payment deferred to be paid in full at the end of the Financial Year March 2024 Parish Council Admin Costs: Folders/Plastic Wallets £6.20
(Expenditure to be agreed at this meeting) It was RESOLVED to accept the expenditure as detailed below for November and December
Maintenance Grant: Village Hall £300
PC Admin: Ink cartridge payable to the Parish Clerk £21.99
Heavy Duty Matting (play area refurbishment) payable to the Parish Clerk £17.98
Red & White Barrier Tape (play area refurbishment) payable to the Parish Clerk £9.83
A Storage boxes for archive files £7.99 payable to the Parish Clerk
Grass seed £5.99 payable to the Parish Clerk
Salaries & HMRC payments (Dec 24) to include the new rate of pay for the Parish Clerk (See agenda 7.1)
10.3 Bank Reconciliation Report: It was RESOLVED to approve the Bank Reconciliation
Treasurers Account £ 3472.25
Business Account £ 496.07
The Parish Clerk reported that the current bank used by the Parish Council are changing the account 14th January 2025 to a new Community account. This account will have a monthly account maintenance fee of £4.20 as well as several other potential charges. The current provider is also closing the Business Banking Resolutions Service from 13th December 2024. It was RESOLVED that the Parish Clerk investigate other Banks and Building Society's to see what other providers are offering.
10.4 Budget 2025/2026: Parish Clerk shared the proposed budget. The Council Members asked for additional time to review and discuss the play area budget for proposed maintenance work in 2025.
11. Parish Council Policies & Procedures: The Members RESOLVED to accept the updated Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Communications protocol documents. Parish Clerk to publish these on the Parish Council website.
11.1 Standing Orders
11.2 Financial Regulations
11.3 Communications Protocol
It was also agreed that the Parish Clerk look at which Policies and Procedure the Parish Council have to have to ensure legal compliance.
12. Correspondence:
12.1 VE Day: Lighting of the Red Light of Peace 8th May 25
12.2 SKDC Various communications: projects, surveys.
12.3 SKDC Christmas lights: Switch on and Festive market in Grantham 1st December 2024.
13. Next Meeting Date: 14th January 2025 at 19:30 hours.
Please note that the March meeting has been postponed until 8th April 2025.
As there were no other agenda items the Chairman closed the meeting at 20:58 hours.