Parish Council Meeting 9th July 2024

Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting: 9th July 2024

Present: Parish Councillors: Mrs P Cranfield (Chairman), Mr A Wilson, Mr D Hawes (Vice Chairman) and Mrs A Treacy.

In Attendance: Mrs Carole Sands (Parish Clerk).

1. Public Open Forum : As there were no members of the public present at the meeting, the Chairman closed the open forum.

                1.1 Lincolnshire County Council & South Kesteven District Council update: Not in attendance

2. Commencement of Parish Council Meeting

                2.1 Apologies: Apologies were received and accepted for Councillor Mrs M Avis & Councillor Mrs M Marshall

                2.2. Approval of Minutes: It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council  meeting 21st May  2024 as being a true and accurate record. Proposed by Councillor  A  Wilson & Seconded by Councillor A Treacy. The minutes were signed and dated by the Chairman, Councillor P Cranfield.

3. Request for Dispensation: None requested

4. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None requested

5. Parish Clerk and Councillors update from previous meeting.  

        5.1 Councillor Email Addresses: The Parish Clerk confirmed that there has been no further progress at this time. Review at next meeting.

        5.2 Flooding Main Street Edenham: Councillor D Hawes confirmed that a meeting has taken place with Lincolnshire County Council Leader, Councillor Hill, Grimsthorpe & Drummond Castle Trust Ltd, Agent Mr Coups and a Senior representative from          Anglian water. The outcome of this meeting is not currently known.

        5.3 Parking coal yard: Parish Clerk informed the Parish Council that the cones used previously to stop parking in this area are no longer there, it is believed that they may have been collected on completion of the road works. It was RESOLVED that              the Parish Clerk contact Grimsthorpe & Drummond Castle Trust Ltd, Agent Mr Coups.

        5.4 D-Day (Red) Lantern of Peace:  As agreed at the previous meeting (21st May 24) the lantern of Peace was donated to Edenham Primary School. The Parish Clerk received  'Thank you' email from the Headmaster, Mr Pasqualino.

6. Play Area Information:

                6.1 Internal Inspection: Councillor Treacy carried out an inspection prior to the maintenance work therefore the condition was the same as reported in May 24.

                6.2 Maintenance Works: The Parish Clerk confirmed that the works have been completed on 3rd July and were in-line with the quotation received. The total refurbishment cost is £4070.37 (inc VAT). The Parish Clerk confirmed that £3,000 was                      transferred from the Business Bank Account to the Treasurers Bank Account to help cover the costs. The Parish Council members noted this transaction.

7. Village Hall Lease: Councillors Mr A Wilson confirmed that no further progress has been made with the lease.

8. Planning Matters: S24/1095 Grimsthorpe Castle Estate Ltd, Dog Exercise area, Section 73 application, condition three, (hours of operation) of S24/0137. The Parish Council noted the application and do not have any comments to make. 

9. Financial Matters:

        9.1 Receipts: Community Street cleaning grant  (SKDC) £463.32 and VAT Refund (FY23/24) £40.75 The Parish Council members noted these receipts.

9.2 Expenditure: (Paid May & June) Members noted the expenditure below (as agreed at the meeting on 21st May 2024).

D-Day Lantern £55

Annual Internal Audit: (Auditor Fees) £100

Parish Council Admin: Ink cartridge £22.69

PCC Maintenance grant: £300

Computer software: £59.99

Zurich Insurance Policy: £405

 Parish Council Salaries & HMRC PAYE 1st Qtr: £416.66

 Play Area Refurbishment: 50% cost: £2035.19 (actual invoice £2035.18) This was noted by the Parish Council members.

(Expenditure to be agreed at this meeting) It was RESOLVED to accept the expenditure as detailed for July & August).

 Play Area Refurbishment: 50% final cost: £2035.18

  ROSPA  Annual Inspection: Play Area £93 inc VAT

   Parish Council Admin Costs: (Folders, plastic wallets & archive storage boxes) to the value of      £25 (Parish Clerk to purchase)

9.3 Bank Reconciliation Report: It was RESOLVED to approve Bank Reconciliation

Treasurers Account: £5566.57 (to 30th June 2024

Business Account:£494.24 (to 10th June 2024)

10.Correspondence: Members noted all general correspondence circulated for information since the March meeting.

  • Safety of Lithium ion Batteries and e-bikes and scooters

  • VE DAY 80 Lamplight of Peace - 8th May 2025

  • Anglian Water Lincolnshire Reservoir - promoting their consultation, Edenham Village Hall 18th July 2024

  • Community Connector Four Counties PCN & Hay invitation for Afternoon Tea Parish Councils

11. Next Meeting: 10th September 2024,  7:30pm at Edenham Village Hall.


There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.55pm


Please note: These minutes are draft until approved at the Parish Council meeting 10th September 2024.They will then be signed by the Chairman/Vice Chairman.

Draft minutes posted 11/07/2024