Parish Council Meeting 9th January 2024

Minutes for the Parish Council Meeting: 9th January 2024 at 19:30 hours.

Attendees: Parish Councillors: Mr T Clarke (Chairman),Mrs P Cranfield (Vice Chairman), Mr A Wilson, Mrs M Marshall, Mr D Hawes, Mrs A Treacy, Mrs M Avis & Mrs C Sands (Parish Clerk).

Public Open Forum : As there were no members of the public present at the meeting, the Chairman closed the open forum.

Lincolnshire County Council update: Councillors Martin Hill provided an update on:

  • Flooding in the local areas following storm Henk

  • Process for reporting flooding in your home/business and money available from the Government to help those affected.

  • Greater Lincolnshire Devolution

Councillor Hill addressed the Parish Council concerns in relation to the road closures following the resurfacing of footpaths in Edenham and the Anglian Water Pipeline. Going forward it is suggested that the information for road closures be sent to the business system that shows road closures on Satellite Navigation systems. The Parish Council felt that contractors employed to do work are not always aware of the local area and therefore better communication from Highways to the contractors is of paramount importance to ensure disruption to our villages is kept to a minimum. It was also felt that better policing of the road closures by the contractors would be helpful.

South Kesteven District Council: Councillor Robins not in attendance

Commencement of the Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies: None required

2. Approval of Minutes: The minutes were from 14th November 2023 meeting were accepted as a true record this was proposed by Councillor Mr A Wilson and seconded by Councillor Mr D Hawes.

3. Request for dispensation: If required

4. Declaration of interest: Councillor M Marshall & Mr T Clarke - Agenda item 8.2 Church yard maintenance grant.

5. Parish Clerk and Councillors update from previous meeting. 

5.1 Carol Singing Event 2023: It was a lovely dry evening although slightly muddy underfoot and we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who came along to sing Carol's and for making the event a real success. The collection on behalf of Steam  Action made over £35. The Parish Council would like to thank Grimsthorpe Castle Estate for donating the Christmas tree. Steam  Action for providing the Carol sheets, leading the singing and contributing some refreshments. Thanks also goes to Mr Heath Cranfield for use of the field.

5.2 Footpath Improvement Works: The Parish Council received a reply from the Highways Department following concerns raised via a letter to them.

5.3  Councillor Email Addresses: It was agreed that the Parish Clerk start this work to have emails for each Parish Councillor.

5.4  Anglian Water/Highways: Main Street Edenham prior to school Lane, this has been reported to both Anglian Water and Highways, however, it has not been resolved. This was discussed with Councillor Hill (LCC), the road in this area continues to be wet. Councillor Hill agreed to liaise with Highways. The Parish clerk highlighted that there had been two reports from members of the public (for tyre damage) which have been reported to Highways by the people affected.

5.5 Grass Verges: Damage caused by diversion during Anglian Water work, nothing more to report at this time. Councillor Hill (LCC) is aware of this and the disruption caused at the time. The edges of the road surface are also damaged.

5.6 School Parking: Parish Clerk contacted the Headmaster to raise the concerns of parents parking on the old coal yard frontage and reversing on to the A151. It is agreed that a solution is needed to ensure the safety of all those concerned. Review at the next meeting 12th March 2024.

6. Play Area Information: Councillor Treacy reported that during the recent heavy rain the play area has a lot of standing water which is causing further damage to the wood. The Parish Clerk is still chasing the two suppliers that were asked to provide quotes to upgrade the play area. Review at the next meeting 12th March 2024.

7. Planning Matters: Nothing to report

8. Financial Matters

8.1Receipts: SKDC Grant (Street Cleaning)  £463.32

8.2 Expenditure: Since last meeting. (Nov & Dec)

Salaries & HMRC Payments: £412.66

Maintenance grants: Village Hall £300

8.3 Expenditure: (Due Jan & Feb to be agreed)

Maintenance grant: Church Yard: it was agreed that the Parish Council wait until further information is available from the Parish Church Council (PCC) with regard to the contract for the grassing cutting.

Carol Singing event (Refreshments): £56.40

PC Admin (Ink cartridge & Paper): £42.48

8.4 Bank Reconciliation Report:

Treasurers Account: (9th Jan 24) £3325.27

Business Account: (9th Jan 24) £3472.52

8.5 Precept 2024/25: Parish Clerks proposed budget and the precept were agreed by all Councillors. Parish Clerk to confirm this to SKDC.


9.1 SKDC Sand & Sand bags: Parish Clerk to look into possible safe storage location, review at the next meeting.

9.2 D Day 6th June 2024: Review at the next meeting

9.3 Member of the public requesting information for tracing family members in Edenham Church. Referred to Father Edward Martin who has kindly supplied information available.

9.4 Greater Lincolnshire Devolution packs:               

10.Next Meeting Date: 12th March 2024 at 19:30hours

Meeting closed at 20:50 hours.