Parish Council Meeting 12th March 2024

Draft Minutes for the Parish Council Meeting: 12th March 2024 at 19:30 hours.

Attendees: Parish Councillors: Mr T Clarke (Chairman),Mr A Wilson, Mrs M Marshall, Mr D Hawes, Mrs A Treacy & Mrs C Sands (Parish Clerk).

Public Open Forum : As there were no members of the public present at the meeting, the Chairman closed the open forum.

Commencement of the Parish Council Meeting

1. Apologies: Councillor Mrs M Avis & Councillor P Cranfield (Vice Chairman)

2. Approval of Minutes: The minutes were from 9th January 2024 meeting were accepted as a true record this was proposed by Councillor Mrs A Treacy and seconded by Councillor Mr A Wilson.

3. Request for dispensation: None requested

4. Declaration of interest: Councillor M Marshall & Mr T Clarke - Agenda item 9.3 Church yard maintenance grant.

5. Parish Clerk and Councillors update from previous meeting. 

5.1 Councillor Email Addresses: Parish Clerk is currently working through the requirements and costs of setting up the system.

5.2  Anglian Water/Highways: Main Street Edenham, Councillor Mr D Hawes reported that there are still ongoing issues of responsibility following the recent flooding around Pillarwood Farm.  Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) Highways have carried out some repairs to the carriageway, however, not all of these repairs have held due to further wet weather. Engagement with Anglian Water is ongoing, however, progress and action is limited. LCC Martin Hill has been providing support to gain a resolution. We will continue to monitor progress until fully resolved.

5.3 Parking on Coal Yard Frontage: traffic cones have been placed in the area to prevent parking in this area. The Headmaster (Edenham Primary) has been contacted to ask parents to park at the Village Hall. The area will be monitored.

6. New Meeting Matters:

6.1 D-Day 6th June 24:  Look into this

6.2 BT/Openreach Building: The additional works requested for the conifer trees near the Symphonic Gardens has been completed.

6.3 Edenham Village Hall Lease: Councillor Wilson gave the Parish Council an update on the progress for the renewal of the lease and confirmed that the Parish Council are listed at the tenants of the land that the building is situated on. Parish Clerk advised that the Village Hall is not on the Parish Council asset list and it needs to be agreed who can legally sign this document on behalf of the Parish Council. Further discussion required at the next meeting.  

6.4 Parish Council End of Year Audit: Parish Clerk has advised that there will be a cost of approx £125

7. Play Area Information:

7.1 Internal Inspection: Councillor Treacy reported that the ground around the play area is very wet and that the already reported issues remain unchanged.

7.2 Maintenance Works: Parish Clerk has continued to chase the two contractors that came out to look and quote for the work, however, despite being promised the quotes they have not materialised. Parish Clerk to look at alternative companies for the works.

8. Planning Matters:

8.1 S24-0137 Grimsthorpe: Conversion of deer field to a dog exercise area. No comments or objections raised by the Parish Council.

9. Financial Matters

9.1 Receipts: Nothing expected.

9.2 Expenditure: Since last meeting. (Jan & Feb)

                        Maintenance grants:  Village Hall £300

                        Carol Singing costs: £56.40

                        PC Admin costs: £42.48

9.3 Expenditure: (Due March & April to be discussed & agreed)

                        Maintenance grant: Church Yard Grass cutting this was not agreed at this meeting. Defer until further information is available.

                        Salaries: Parish Clerk & Community Street Cleaning £412.66

                        End of Year Audit: approx £125

                        LALC Annual Membership: £99.06

                        LALC Annual Training scheme: £120

9.4 Bank Reconciliation Report: (11th March 24)

                        Treasurers Acc  £3226.39

                        Business Acc   £3479.95          


10.1 SKDC recycling & bin collections, the new recycling rules have been suspended for the time being to allow residents more time to gain a better understanding of the requirements.

10.2 Temporary Traffic restriction notices: A number of notices have been received, the Parish Clerk posts on to the local FaceBook page.

10.3 LCC electric vehicle charger points: The Parish Council have been asked to provide details of any current local locations and where possible propose new locations in the villages.

10.4 Boothby Wildland & River restoration: Information on current proposals for this area. 

10.5 South Kesteven District Council: Local Plan Review - Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan Consultation.

10.6 Portrait of His Majesty King Charles 3rd: The Parish Clerk has applied for the free official portrait, this will be displayed in the Village Hall.                      

11.Next Meeting Date: Parish Clerk proposed a change of date for the Annual Parish and Annual Parish Council meeting from 14th May to 21st May 2024. The annual Parish meeting will commence at 19:00 hours and the annual Parish Council meeting will commence at 19:30 hours.

On completion of the agenda items the Chairman closed the meeting at 20:30 hours.



Minutes displayed Saturday 16th March 2024