Annual Parish Council Meeting - 21st May 2024

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting: 21st May 2024

Present: Parish Councillors: Mrs P Cranfield (Chairman), Mr A Wilson, Mrs M Marshall, Mr D Hawes (Vice Chairman) and Mrs A Treacy.

In Attendance: Mrs Carole Sands (Parish Clerk).

A minutes silence was held prior to the start of the meeting as a mark of respect for the Parish Council Chairman, Councillor Tim Clarke, who sadly passed away on Thursday 25th April 2024.   

Public Open Forum : As there were no members of the public present at the meeting, the Chairman closed the open forum.

1. Acceptance of Office:

1.1 Election of Officers: Chairman & Vice Chairman: It was RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs P Cranfield be appointed Chairman and Councillor Mr D Hawes be appointed Vice Chairman of the Parish Council. Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms  were signed.

1.2 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest forms: All Councillors to complete the forms and return to the Parish Clerk as soon as possible.

2. Apologies: Apologies were received and accepted for Councillor Mrs M Avis

2. Approval of Minutes: It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting  12th March 2024 as being a true and accurate record. The minutes were signed and dated by the Chairman.

4. Request for Dispensation: None requested

5. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: Councillor Mrs M Marshall Agenda item 6.6

6. Parish Clerk and Councillors update from previous meeting.  

6.1 Councillor Email Addresses: Parish Clerk attended an online awareness seminar, the next stage is to look at potential service providers and the associated cost. Review at the July PC meeting.

6.2 Flooding Main Street Edenham (Pillarwood Farm Preschool): Lincolnshire County Council, Councillor Mr Martin Hill confirmed that they are continuing to try to engage with Anglian Water to fully resolve this issue.

6.3 Parking Coal Yard: This area is in use for parking during the evening/night whilst the road resurfacing is taking place, however, on completion of the works this will revert to be a no parking area.

6.4 D-Day 80 Lamp Light of Peace: The red lantern represents the 'light of peace' that emerged from the darkness of War. The Parish Council RESOLVED that the lamp purchased be donated to Edenham primary School.

6.5 Parish Clerk Role: The Parish Clerk has agreed to stay in position for this Financial Year.

6.6 Church Yard Maintenance Grant: The Parish Council RESOLVED to pay a £300 grant to the Parish Church Council  (PCC) towards the up keep of the church yard grassed areas.

6.7 King Charles 3rd Photograph: The Parish Council RESOLVED to donate this to the Village Hall for display.

7. Play Area Information:

7.1 Internal Inspection: Councillor Tracey reported that some areas have continued to deteriorate.

7.2 Maintenance Report & Quotation: The quotation received by the Parish Clerk from a contractor was circulated to the Parish Councillors prior to this meeting. The refurbishment cost is £4070.37 ( inc VAT).  The Parish Council RESOLVED that the maintenance work be undertaken. Parish Clerk to progress this work.

8. Village Hall Lease: Councillors Mr A Wilson confirmed that there has been no further progress with the lease.

9. Planning Matters:

9.1 S24/137/FULL/MJB/PC2: Grimsthorpe Estate, Dog exercise area on the old deer park.

9.2 S24/0769 Grimsthorpe Estate, Rebuilding/restoration of curtilage listed fire damaged detached domestic garage.

9.3 S24/0826 Grimsthorpe Estate, Certificate of Lawfulness for Proposed Use of a Building as a Farm Shop (Use Class E)

The Parish Council noted the three applications and do not have any comments to make.

10.  Financial Matters:

10.1 Receipts: £3060 Precept (SKDC). The Members noted the income for April.

10.2 Expenditure: (Paid April as agreed by the Parish Council) Members noted the expenditure below

LALC Membership & Training Fee £219.06 inc VAT

Playdale Quotation Fee £192 inc VAT

(Expenditure to be agreed at this meeting) It was RESOLVED to accept the expenditure as detailed for May & June.

D-Day Lantern £55

Auditor Fee (end of year accounts): £100

PC Admin Printer Ink Cartridge £22.69 inc VAT

PC Admin Microsoft Package £79 (estimated and not yet purchased)

Zurich Insurance Policy £405 (Due 1st June 24)

Salaries and HMRC PAYE 1 Qtr £427 (estimated)(Due End June 24)

Playdale (Maintenance of play area) £4070.37 inc VAT

10.3 Bank Reconciliation Report: It was RESOLVED to approve May 2024 Bank Reconciliation

Treasurers Account: £5462.87

Business Account:£3491.12

10.4  Annual Accounts/Internal Audit: It was RESOLVED to approve the accounts and internal audit report for Financial Year (FY) 2023-24. The accounts were signed by the Chairman and Parish Clerk/RFO.

10.5  Restating Agar Figures: ​​​​​​​It was RESOLVED to approve the restated accounts figures for 2021/22 and 2022/23.  The Agar forms and accounts were re-signed by the Chairman.

10.6 AGAR Exemption Certificate: The Parish Council RESOLVED to accept and approve this. Chairman and Parish Clerk/RFO signed and dated the forms.

10.7 AGAR Section 1 Governance Statement for approval: The Parish Council RESOLVED to accept and approve this. Chairman and Parish Clerk/RFO signed and dated the forms.

10.8 AGAR Section 2  Accounting Statements for approval: The Parish Council RESOLVED to accept and approve this. Chairman and Parish Clerk/RFO signed and dated the forms.

The AGAR forms will be made available on the Parish Council website along with the Notice of Public Rights & Publication of Annual Governance & Accountability Return (EXEMPT AUTHORITY). Website: Edenham, Grimsthorpe, Elsthorpe and Scottlethorpe Parish Council (

11.Correspondence: Members noted all general correspondence circulated for information since the March meeting.

12. Next Meeting: 9th July 2024,  7:30pm at Edenham Village Hall. (It was noted that there was an error on the meeting agenda, however, it is confirmed that the next meeting date is as detialed in the minutes).

There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55pm

Please note: The minutes are draft until approved at the next meeting 9th July 2024