Parish Council Meeting 14th November 2023
Parish Council of Edenham, Grimsthorpe, Elsthorpe & Scottlethorpe
To all Council Members of Edenham, Grimsthorpe, Elsthorpe and Scottlethorpe Parish Council. You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the above-named Council to be held in Edenham Village Hall, Church Lane, Edenham on Tuesday 14th November 2023, commencing at 19:30 hours. The business to be transacted at the meeting is as follows:
Public Open Forum : A period of 10 minutes when members of the public may ask Councillors questions or make short statements to the Parish Council. Any new items will be added to the next Parish Council meeting.
District Council & County Council update: (if applicable)
Commencement of the Annual Parish Council Meeting
1. Apologies: If applicable
2. Approval of Minutes: From 12th September 2023 meeting.
3. Request for dispensation: If required
4. Declaration of interest: If required.
5. Parish Clerk and Councillors update from previous meeting.
5.1 Carol Singing Event Update: Parish Clerk & Councillor Cranfield
5.2 Footpath Improvement Works: Councillor Clarke reference proposed letter to Highways and Councillor Martin Hill
6. New Meeting Matters.
6.1 Councillor Email Addresses: Legal requirement
6.2 Anglian Water Leak: Main Street Edenham
6.3 Drainage Map: Lincs County Council
6.4 Village Planting: Ornamental Hazel (near Copy Lawn & Edenham Road)
6.5 Grass Verges: Damage caused by diversion during Anglian Water work
6.6 School Parking: Coal Yard Frontage, then reversing out on to Main Street.
7. Play Area Information: Councillor Treacy & Parish Clerk
8. Planning Matters: (If applicable)
9. Financial Matters
9.1 Receipts: (If applicable)
9.2 Expenditure: Since last meeting.
Salaries & HMRC Payments:
Play Area Annual Inspection:
9.3 Expenditure: (Due November & December to be agreed)
Maintenance grants: Village Hall & Church Yard
Salaries & HMRC Payments:
9.4 Bank Reconciliation Report:
10.Correspondence: (If applicable)
Lincs & Nott Air Ambulance: Newsletter
Parish Council Engagement session: Lincs Police 7th December 2023
Linc Police: Priority setting feedback form
Notification of footpath closure: Scottlethorpe Rd and Dollans Lane
SKDC Recycling changes: Small purple bin for paper and cardboard
SKDC Polling review
Parish Clerk Vacancy
SKDC Street Naming & Numbering Processes
Community Emergency Planning & Ready For Anything Volunteer Event :Wednesday 22nd November (Lincoln)
11.Next Meeting Date: 9th January 2024 at 19:30hours
Agenda displayed Monday 6th November 2023