March 2020 Agenda

To all Council Members of Edenham, Grimsthorpe, Elsthorpe & Scottlethorpe Parish Council.

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the above named Council to be held in Edenham Village Hall, Church Lane, Edenham

On Tuesday the 10th of March 2020, commencing at 19.30 hrs.

The business to be transacted at the meeting is as follows:

20/21 1.0 Open Forum. Topics/Discussions (as raised).

20/21 2.0 Commencement of Parish Council Meeting

20/21 2.1 Apologies for absence & reasons given

20/21 2.2 Approve the minutes of the last meeting 14th January 20

20/21 3.0 Request for Dispensation, as required

20/21 4.0 Declarations of Interest, as required

20/21 5.0 Parish Matters & Update from Previous Meeting

20/21 5.1 Street Cleaning Vacancy

20/21 5.2 SID  Update

20/21 5.3 Road Condition - Tumblerow Farm/Scottlethorpe Road

20/21 5.4  Gigabyte Voucher Scheme

20/21 5.5  Parish Assets - Update on outstanding assets (Grimsthorpe)

20/21 5.6  Anglian Water Work - Grass verges

20/21 5.7  Resignation - Cllr. Martin

20/21 5.8  Hedge/Tree trimming near the BT Exchange in Grimsthorpe

20/21 5.9  Local Security - implementation of a 'No Cold Calling Zone'

20/21 6.0 Planning Matters

20/21 6.1 Application S20/0146 - Featherwell Farm Grimsthorpe - Site meeting 4th March 2020 feedback.

20/21 7.0 

20/21 7.1 Expenditure

LALC Annual Membership - £84.36

LALC Training Course Refreshments - £28.50

Parish Clerk Retirement Gift - £30.00           

Christmas Tree Lights - Batteries - £13.93

20/21 7.2 Receipts

The Reverend Anthony Barnes Charity - £194.00

20/21 8.0 Correspondence

20/21 8.1 House of Commons - Parish Council Summit Invite Friday 20th March 2020

20/21 8.2 Reverend Anthony Barnes Charity

20/21 9.0 Admin Matters

20/21 9.1 Flow of information & contact

20/21 10.0 Matters for the next meeting, additional points raised at this meeting to be added to the agenda for the next meeting.

20/21 11.0 Confirmation of next meeting date, Tuesday 12th May, 19.30hrs in Edenham Village Hall