July 2020 Agenda

On 4 April2020,the government brought The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meetings) (England) Regulations 2020 into force to allow local authorities to conduct meetings remotely.

To all Council Members of Edenham, Grimsthorpe, Elsthorpe & Scottlethorpe Parish Council.

In line with the above mentioned Regulations, you are hereby summoned to join the ZOOM meeting of the above named Council on Tuesday 14th of July 2020, commencing at 19.30 hrs.

Zoom Meeting ID: 780 3045 8497  Password: 3S9LpX

The business to be transacted at the meeting is as follows:

20/21 1.0 Open Forum, Topics/Discussions (as raised by members of the public).

20/21 2.0 Commencement of Parish Council Meeting.

20/21 2.1 Apologies for absence & reasons given.

20/21 2.2 Approve the minutes of the last meeting 12th May 2020.

20/21 3.0 Request for Dispensation, as required.

20/21 4.0 Declarations of Interest, as required.

20/21 5.0 Coronavirus Support Update, Information provided by Lucie Wilson from Steam Action.

20/21 6.0 Parish Matters & Update from Previous Meeting:

20/21 6.1 Street Cleaning Update

20/21 6.2 SID  Update

20/21  6.3 Road Condition - Tumblerow Farm/Scottlethorpe Road

20/21 6.4 Gigabyte Voucher Scheme & Quantum Air Fibre Optic

20/21 6.5 Anglian Water Work - Access and Grass verges Damage

20/21 6.6 Casual Councillor Vacancy - Co-option interest

20/21 6.7 BT Exchange in Grimsthorpe - Up date on trees and wall damage

20/21 6.8 Local Security - Update on the 'No Cold Calling Zone'

20/21 6.9 Flower Beds in the village - Update on requirements from Highways Dept.

20/21 6.10 New Parish Website - Parish Clerk

20/21 6.11 Grimsthorpe Village sign (west side) - Damage

20/21 6.12  Parish Council Meeting - Looking forward (Coronavirus Controls)

20/21 6.13 Play Area Inspections

20/21 6.14 Councillor contact details - Ensure that Parish Clerk has correct details

20/21 6.15 Agree plan for review and updating of Parish Council Policies and Orders

20//21 7.0 Planning Matters

20/21 7.1 Update for application S20/0383, The Piggery, Grimsthorpe Estate, Swinstead. Demolition of existing agricultural/storage structures and construction of new estate yard comprising sheds for storage of plant equipment, agricultural/estate vehicles, machinery and materials, with workshops and welfare facilities

20/21 8.0 Financial Matters:

20/21 8.1 Receipts, Community Street Cleaning Grant - £453.44

20/21 8.2 Expenditure - 2020/21

Zurich Insurance Renewal Notice - (2020/21) £250.26

LALC Training Subscriptions - £90.00

HMRC 1st Qtr 2020/21 - £11.20

Community Street Cleaning 1st Qtr (Mr Alder) - £45.48

Parish Clerk 1st Qtr salary (Mrs Sands)  - £162.36

20/21 9.0 Correspondence

20/21  9.1 Free Active Holiday Clubs for Children

20/21 9.2 Welland Rivers Trust Community Engagement

20/21 10.0 Date of the next meeting, Tuesday 08th Sept at 19.30hrs in Edenham Village Hall, (Coronavirus permitting)