September 2020 Agenda

On 4 April2020,the government brought The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meetings) (England) Regulations 2020 into force to allow local authorities to conduct meetings remotely.


To all Council Members of Edenham, Grimsthorpe, Elsthorpe & Scottlethorpe Parish Council. In line with the above mentioned Regulations, you are hereby summoned to join the ZOOM meeting of the above named Council on Tuesday 8th of September 2020, commencing at 19.30 hrs.

Join Zoom Meeting - session 1 19.30 to 20.00 hours

Zoom Meeting ID: 737 2806 6211           Passcode: 6SqtVk  

20/21. 1.0 Open Forum

20/21. 1.1.   Parish Councillor Casual Vacancy - Co-option Discussion and Voting - Mrs M Marshall and Mr D Hawes

20/21. 1.2.  Topics/Discussions (as raised by members of the public)

20/21. 2.0 Commencement of Parish Council Meeting

20/21 2.1 Apologies for absence & reasons given

20/21 2.2 Approve the minutes of the last meeting 14th July 2020

20/21 3.0 Request for Dispensation - As required 

20/21 4.0 Declarations of Interest: - As required

20/21 5.0 Coronavirus Support Update - From Lucy Wilson Chairman of Steam Action

20/21 6.0 Parish Matters & Update from Previous Meeting:

20/21 6.1 Parish Council Meetings - Looking forward requirements for face to face meetings.

20/21 6.2 Community Street Cleaning - Update

20/21 6.3 SID  - Update

20/21 6.4 Tumblerow Farm/Scottlethorpe Road -Update from Highways Dept investigation into potential collapsed drain in this area

20/21 6.5 Gigabyte Voucher Scheme & Quantum Air Fibre Optic - Update Cllr Clarke

20/21 6.6 BT Exchange in Grimsthorpe - Up date on trees and wall damage

20/21 6.7  Local Security - Update on the 'No Cold Calling Zone' progress

20/21 6.8  Flower Beds in the village - Review and vote.

20/21 6.9 New Parish Website - Update Parish Clerk

20/21 6.10 Grimsthorpe Village sign (west side) - Feedback from Highways Dept to the damaged sign.

20/21 6.11 Play Area Inspections- Feedback Cllr Whadcock

20/21 6.12 Review and approval of Standing Order Document

20/21 6.13 Review and approval of Financial Regulations Document.

20/21 7.0 Planning Matters

20/21 7.1 Application S20/0383 - The Piggery, Grimsthorpe Estate, Swinstead -. Update

20/21  7.2 Application S20/0832 -  Brook Farm , Main Road, Elsthorpe, PE10 0NQ, - To construct a slurry lagoon 30m x30m 3m depth and associated works.

20/21 8.0 Financial Matters:

20/21 8.1 Receipts

Nothing to report

20/21 8.2 Expenditure  

HMRC 2nd Qtr 2020/21 - £45.40

Community Street Cleaning 2nd Qtr (Mr Alder) - £181.32

Parish Clerk 2nd Qtr salary (Mrs Sands)  - £162.36

20/21 9.0 Correspondence

20/21 9.1 Welland Rivers Trust Community Engagement

20/21 10.0 Next meeting date is Tuesday 10th Nov, 19.30hrs in Edenham Village Hall, (Coronavirus permitting)