January 2019 Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Edenham Parish Council Meeting Held in Edenham Village Hall on 8th January 2019 @ 7:30 pm
Present: Cllrs: Mr R Biggs(Chairman) Mrs A Whadcock, Mrs A Edwards, Mr A Martin, Mrs P Cranfield, Mr A Wilson, Mr T Clarke, Cllr N Robins (SKDC), Cllr M Hill (LCC), Mr L Clayton (secretary)
Apologies:Cllrs: None.
2019/20 1.0 Open Forum.
As there were no members of the public present the Chairman closed the Open Forum opened the Parish Council Meeting
2019/20 2.0 Parish Council Meeting
2019/20 3.0 Minutes of last meeting:
Read. Cllr Martin proposed, seconded Cllr Wilson, that the minutes be signed as a true record. Agreed.
2019/20 4.0 Requests for Dispensations: None requested
2019/20 5.0 Declarations of Interest: None requested
2019/20 6.0 Update from Previous Meeting
i. Street Cleaning - Ongoing - recent hedge cutting has improved safety.
ii. SID - the equipment re-located to Edenham (CopyLawn Farm)
2019/20 7.0 Planning Applications
i. S18/2162 - Agricultural Building, Eslthorpe Grange. - No Objection
ii. S18/223(LBC)1 - Removal flat roof ceiling, Grimsthorpe Castle - No Objection
2019/20 8.0 Xmas Tree/Carol Singing:
Chairman/Cllr Cranfield reported; the event was again very successful and was enjoyed by all. Special thanks Steam Action Ladies(carols), Grimsthorpe Estate forestry staff (installing tree) Heath Cranfield(use of field and installation of lights).
Secretary to contact Grimsthorpe Estate to ascertain availability of a tree for this year to enable contingency plans to be made if not.
2019/20 9.0 Member Areas of Interest/Responsibility
After discussion the chairman proposed that each member be given an area of the parish to monitor as detailed below.
Cllr Biggs - Highways, School Lane/Church Lane - Edenham.
Cllr Whadcock - Children's Play Area/Equipment
Cllr Martin - SID relocation and Highways, Grimsthorpe>Elsthorpe>Edenham
Cllr Cranfield - Sid Relocation and Highways, Main Street - Edenham.
Cllr Wilson - Highways, A151 Oaks Grimsthorpe>Edenham
Cllr Edwards - Highways, Scottlethorpe Road.
Cllr Clarke - Admin Assistance - Grant applications/Projects.
Highways to include road condition, signage, street lighting and salt grit bins, any problems should be reported directly to Lincolnshire Highways using the 'FixMyStreet' App or via the LCC website.
2019/20 10.0 Village Hall Hire
Secretary presented copies of a Hire Agreement and Invoice for the current years hire costs (£60-00p - £10 per meeting) received from the Edenham Village Hall(EVH) secretary. The issue was discussed and given that the council have provided/maintain the children's play equipment etc, along with a ground maintenance grant it was considered charges to be unfair.
It is appreciated that users of the facility are required to complete an 'Agreement of Hire' to ensure the EHV is covered legally hence the secretary is authorised to sign such on the Council's behalf.
The secretary is to write to the Village Hall Committee to ask if the hire charge could be waived and for clarification on access and security where 2 events are happening at the EVH at once.
2019/20 11.0 Financial Matters:
i. Cheques signed prior to meeting for the following:
a. HMRC PAYE 3rdQtr 2018/19 - £74-60p.
b. Mr LA Clayton - Wage 3rd qtr 2018/19 - £297.12p
ii. Mrs A Whadcock - reimburse costs Carol Singing event £57-34p.
2019/20 12.0 Correspondence
Various correspondences were studied. Secretary to reply as required
2019/20 13. Other Business
i. Cllr Whadcock reported; Metal fence railings still bent out towards footpath - Scottlethorpe Road. Secretary to contact Grimsthorpe Estate again.
ii. Cllr Robins reported, Planning for the Cycling Event through the area on 31Aug/1st Sept is well underway parishes are encouraged to get involved (on next meeting Agenda).
iii. Cll M Hill (LCC) reported; Extra monies from Central Government plus internal savings will allow extra remedial highways work this year (extra grass verge safety cut, gullies cleaned plus more manpower). NHS will spend more at Grantham and Boston Hospitals and LCC are now the 'Flood Authority' for the County.
2019/20 14.0 Next Meeting
The next meeting of Edenham Parish Council will take place on Tuesday, 12th March 2019 in Edenham Village Hall commencing at 7:30pm
With there being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8:55pm