May 2019 Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Edenham Parish Council Meeting Held in Edenham Village Hall on 14th May 2019 @ 7:30 pm
Present: Cllrs, Mrs P Cranfield, Mrs A Whadcock, Mr A Wilson, Mr A Martin, Mr R Biggs, Mr T Clarke, Mr L Clayton (secretary)
Apologies: Cllrs: Cllr N Robins (SKDC), Cllr M Hill (LCC).
2019/20 1.0 Annual Parish Meeting.
With one member of the public present the minutes of the last meeting were read and signed as a true record - with no issues being raised by the public the chairman closed the Annual Parish Meeting and opened the Annual Parish Council Meeting.
2019/20 2.0 Annual Parish Council Meeting
2019/20 2.1 Election of Officers:
i. Chairman - Cllr Martin Proposed, Seconded Cllr Whadcock that Cllr Biggs be elected as Chairman, Agreed
ii. Vice Chairman - Cllr Martin Proposed seconded Cllr Whadcock that Cllr Cranfield be elected as vice Chairman, Agreed
iii. Acceptance of Office & Declaration of Interest forms signed.
2019/20 3.0 Councillor Vacancy
The chairman introduced Mr Desmond Bradley who wished to join the council. After a brief introduction it was proposed by Cllr Whadcock, seconded Cllr Clarke, that Mr Bradley be co-opted onto the council as a member to fill the vacancy following Local Elections. Agreed. Acceptance of Office and Declaration of Interest forms signed
2019/20 4.0 Minutes of last meeting: Read. Signed as a true record
2019/20 5.0 Requests for Dispensations - None requested
2019/20 6.0 Declarations of Interest - None requested
2019/20 7.0 Update from Previous Meeting
i. Street Cleaning - Grant for Apr/Oct19 received from SKDC - increase in National Living Wage included now £8.21p/hr.
ii. Speed Indicating Device (SID) - Now opposite Pillarwood Farm, Edenham
2019/20 8.0 Financial Matters
i. Clerk's Admin Cost refund 2018/19. Cheque signed £67-96p
ii. NALC Pay Scale Review 2019/2020- Cllr Biggs proposed seconded Cllr Cranfield that the clerk should be awarded the pay rise as recommended by the NALC Review (£9.96p/hr) Agreed .
iii. Insurance Policy Renewal - Cheque signed for £248-10p
iv. Annual Accounts, Bank Reconciliation/Internal Audit Report - Cllr Martin proposed, seconded Cllr Cranfield that these be accepted - Agreed. (Thanks to Mrs M Marshall).
v. AGAR Exemption Certificate - Cllr Whadcock proposed, seconded Cllr Clarke that this be approved and signed; Agreed
vi. AGAR Section 1 Governance Statements - Cllr Cranfield proposed, seconded Cllr Wilson, that these be accepted and approved - Agreed
vii. AGAR Section 2 - Accounting Statements - Cllr Cranfield proposed, seconded Cllr Whadcock that these be accepted and approved - Agreed.
Secretary to action. Items iv. to vii. can be viewed on the Parish Website
2019/20 9.0 Bourne CiCLE Event:
Chairman gave a further update on the event's planning. It was agreed that the Parish should accept the offer from SKDC of 2 old bicycles (to be painted yellow) which are to be used as promotion aids in the parish running up to the event. Sites to be agreed with SKDC.
2019/20 10.0 Council Order Reviews
Cllr Clarke proposed, seconded Cllr Whadcock that the revised draft Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and new Complaints Procedure be approved by the meeting. Agreed.
2019/20 11.0 Correspondence
Various correspondences were studied. Secretary to reply as required
2019/20 12.0 Other Business
Cllr Martin reported; Grass bank opposite the Black Horse inn Grimsthorpe is in need of cutting. Secretary to email Grimsthorpe Estate
2019/20 13.0 Next Meeting - The next meeting of Edenham Parish Council will take place on Tuesday, 9th July 2019 in Edenham Village Hall commencing at 7:30pm
With there being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9:05pm.