September 2019 Parish Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Edenham Parish Council Meeting Held in Edenham Village Hall on Tuesday 10th September 2019 @  7:30 pm

Present:Cllrs: Mrs A Whadcock, Mr R Biggs (Chairman), Mr A Wilson, Mr A Martin, Mr D Bradley,  Mr L Clayton (secretary).

Apologies:Cllrs: Mrs P Cranfield, Mr T Clarke, Cllr M Hill(LCC), Cllr N Robins(SKDC).

2019/20 1.0  Open Forum

As there were no members of the public present the chairman closed the Open Forum and opened the Parish Council Meeting

2019/20 2.0 Parish Council Meeting

2019/20 3.0 Minutes of last meeting:

Read. Cllr Whadcock proposed, seconded Cllr Wilson, that the minutes be signed as a true record. Agreed.

2019/20 4.0 Requests for Dispensations, none requested.

2019/20 5.0 Declarations of Interest, none requested.

2019/20 6.0 Update from Previous Meeting

i.  Cllr's Report - Cllr Biggs; Drainage gullies cleared along School Lane & Main Street, Edenham. Cllr Wilson; footpath along A151 at Grimsthorpe Nursery Corner badly overgrown. (report to SKDC 'Big Clean' team).

ii.  Street Cleaning, Ongoing - no major issues following Music Festival at Grimsthorpe.

iii. SID - equipment re-located to Edenham - (Copylawn Farm).

iv. Play Area Matting. Awaiting contractor to repair damaged matting.

v.  River Warden Training - Cllr Biggs, Mr C Howes  & L Clayton completed training - monitoring of East Glen to commence & data input to Welland  River Trust.

2019/20 7.0 Planning

i. Application S19/1391 - Canopy Ext industrial building 'Agrilinc' Scottlethorpe - no comment/objection.

ii. S19/1217 Determination by Telecoms Code Systems Operators - Mobile Mast School Lane, Edenham - Granted 29 Aug 2019

2019/20 8.0 Financial Matters

i.  Cheque signed prior to meeting: SKDC - Election costs - £76-50p

ii.  a.  HMRC - PAYE 2nd Qtr 2019/20 - £78.60p

     b.  Mr L Clayton - Salary 2nd qtr 2019/20 -£314.14p

iii. Secretary reported; 2018/19 Annual Governance and Accounting Review complete - no reports from the External Auditors.

2019/20 9.0 Play Area:

Secretary reported - Play area due annual safety inspection - agreement that this order be placed

2019/20 10.0 Annual Maintenance Grants

i. Edenham Churchyard - Cllr Martin proposed, seconded Cllr Wilson that £300 be granted for the year 2019/20 agreed.

ii. Edenham Village Hall - Cllr Biggs proposed, seconded Cllr Bradley that £400 be granted for the year 2019/20. Agreed. Cheques signed - secretary to request details of how money will be spent along with a brief statement of the Village Hall's financial status from the Village Hall Committee.

2019/20 11.0 Clerk's Retirement:

Secretary reported that he intends to retire from the post of clerk/RFO with effect from April 2020 at the latest. Chairman presented a draft Job Description/Vacancy notice for the members to consider prior to its publication

2019/20 12.0 Parish Xmas Tree

It was agreed that the secretary write to Grimsthorpe Estate seeking availability of a Xmas tree for the parish again this year. It this is successful it is planned to have the Carol Singing event on Thursday, 12th December at 6:30pm. Further planning at next meeting.

2019/20 13.0 Correspondence:

Various correspondences were studied

2019/20 14.0 Other Business

Cllr Martin reported; Untidy condition of grass verge and hedges by phone kiosk in Grimsthorpe and that several road signs throughout the parish are becoming obscured by hedges/trees that have not been trimmed back by landowner/tenants. Report to Grimsthorpe Estate.

Cllr Biggs reported;  He has invited a representative of LCC Onlincolnshire Broadband Programme to brief meeting on the 'Broadband Gigabit Voucher Scheme' to the meeting in November; The recent 'Fordidden Forest' Music Festival held at Grimsthorpe has been successful with little disruption to local traffic etc.

2019/20 15.0 Next Meeting

The next meeting of Edenham Parish Council will take place on Tuesday, 12th November 2019 in Edenham Village Hall commencing at 7:30pm. (Charity Trustee Meeting to follow).

With there being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9:10pm.