March 2019 Parish Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Edenham Parish Council Meeting Held in Edenham Village Hall on Tuesday12th March 2019 @  7:30 pm

Present: Cllrs: Mr R Biggs(Chairman) Mrs P Cranfield, Mr A Wilson, Mr T Clarke,  Mr L Clayton (secretary).

Apologies:Cllrs: Mrs A Whadcock, Mrs A Edwards, Mr A Martin

2019/20 1.0 Open Forum.

Chairman introduced Mr Chris French, Welland Rivers Trust and Mr Arron Moss, Exurbia Events. Chris  gave a brief presentation on the work/objectives of the Welland Rivers Trust in conjunction with other major stakeholders to monitor and enhance water courses in the Welland catchment area for all to enjoy. It is hoped that local volunteer groups can become involved directly by acting as River Wardens, adopting a stretch of their local rivers where they conduct surveys for wildlife, water quality etc. Full training and equipment is provided by the Welland Rivers Trust - so if anyone is interested please contact Chris at the Trust - tel: 07395 886822.

Arron then gave a brief presentation on the planned Music Festival to be held in Grimsthorpe Park (The Oaks woodland) on 5th May 2019. This  included a basic overview of the event and progress being made with licensing applications, Local Safety Advisory Group  meetings, traffic management and security etc. As the organisation progresses Arron's team are to arrange a site visit for members where full details of the event will be available, date to be finalised. The chairman thanked both guests for their input and time, closed the  Open Forum opened the Parish Council Meeting.

2019/20 2.0   Parish Council Meeting

2019/20 3.0  Minutes of last meeting:

Read. Cllr Cranfield proposed, seconded Cllr Wilson, that the minutes be signed as a true record. Agreed.

2019/20 4.0 Requests for Dispensations, none requested 

2019/20 5.0 Declarations of Interest, Cllr Wilson item 10 - Village Hall Hire

2019/20 6.0 Update from Previous Meeting:

i.  Cllrs Report - Nil at this time. 'FixMyStreet' App to report any highway issues.

i.  Street Cleaning - Ongoing.

ii. SID - equipment re-located to Edenham (opposite church)

2019/20 7.0 Planning Permission Granted

i.          S18/2162 - Agricultural Building, Eslthorpe Grange.

ii.         S18/2231 - Removal flat roof ceiling, Grimsthorpe Castle.

2019/20 8.0 Local Election 2019:

Secretary gave details of forthcoming Local Elections on 2nd May 2019. SKDC had provided information packs/nomination forms for individuals considering standing for election to the Parish Council  (these can also be obtained directly from SKDC). These forms must be completed and delivered by hand to Electoral Services at SKDC no later than 4pm on 3rd April, 2019.

2019/20 9.0 Bourne CiCLE Event:

Chairman gave details of the forthcoming cycling event, 31st Aug/1st Sept, being promoted by SKDC within the local area including the parish. SKDC will hopefully be providing Yellow Bicycles to be used as promotional aids for the event and it was agreed that the parish should take up the offer once further details are available.

2019/20 10.0 Village Hall Hire

Secretary read reply from the Edenham Village Hall committee reference hire charges. This stated that although the committee appreciate the financial grant it receives they consider that hire charges are still justified. Cllr Cranfield proposed,  seconded Cllr Clarke, that the sum of £60-00p be paid for the hire  for the year 2018/19. Agreed - cheque signed. In light of this the annual maintenance grant will be reviewed accordingly.

2019/20 11.0 Financial Matters

i.  Cheques signed prior to meeting for the following:

            a.  HMRC PAYE 3rdQtr 2018/19  - £74-60p.

            b.  Mr LA Clayton - Wage 3rd qtr 2018/19 - £297.12p

            c.  LALC Subscription 2019/20 - £81-03p.

2019/20 12.0 Correspondence

Various correspondences were studied.  Secretary to reply as required

2019/20 13.0 Other Business


2019/20 14.0 Next Meeting

The next meeting of Edenham Parish Council will take place on Tuesday, 14th May 2019 in Edenham Village Hall commencing immediately after the Annual Parish Meeting which commences at 7:30pm.

With there being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8:50pm