November 2019 Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Edenham Parish Council Meeting Held in Edenham Village Hall on Tuesday 12th November 2019 @ 7:30 pm
Present: Cllrs: Mrs A Whadcock, Mrs P Cranfield, Mr R Biggs (Chairman), Mr A Wilson, Mr A Martin, Mr D Bradley, Cllr M Hill(LCC), Mr L Clayton (secretary).
Apologies:Cllrs: Mr T Clarke, Cllr N Robins(SKDC).
2019/20 1.0 Open Forum.
The chairman welcomed 4 members of the public who were present. Mr Steve Brooks, Onlincolnshire, gave a brief on the Gigabyte Voucher Scheme available to assist rural area business and private home holders to upgrade their broadband access to full 'fibre capability'. Detailed scheme information is to be sent to the council where it will be circulated to councillors for dissemination to local business and private householders encouraging uptake of the scheme.
Mrs Pat Smith, Edenham Village Hall committee, gave a brief update on their fund raising plans to upgrade the Hall's Kitchen Area, in particular the issue of the renewing of the properties lease from Grimsthorpe Estate and associated costs.
Chairman also invited Mrs Carole Sands (Scottlethorpe Rd) who has applied for the vacancy of Parish Clerk/RFO to introduce herself to the council along with a brief summary of her working life/experience. The chairman thanked Mr Brookes, Mrs Smith and Mrs Sands for their time and input, formally closed the Open Forum and opened the Parish Council Meeting.
2019/20 2.0 Parish Council Meeting
2019/20 3.0 Minutes of last meeting:
Read. Cllr Cranfield proposed, seconded Cllr Wilson, that the minutes be signed as a true record. Agreed.
2019/20 4.0 Requests for Dispensations, none requested
2019/20 5.0 Declarations of Interest,none requested
2019/20 6.0 Update from Previous Meeting
i. Street Cleaning, Ongoing - Grant for Oct/Mar 2020 received from SKDC.
ii. SID - equipment re-located to Edenham - (Opposite Church).
iii. Edenham Village Hall Grant - Reply - Copy forwarded to members prior to meeting further info provided during Open Forum above.
2019/20 7.0 Clerk Vacancy
Chairman reported; 2 applications received (details circulated to council members prior to meeting) . One candidate has extensive experience of the role and could step into the role with minimum of disruption however, she lives some miles away from the parish. Also since applying she has subsequently notified the chairman on her intention to emigrate in the next 18-24 months. The second candidate, present during the open forum, though having no practical experience of being a clerk displayed a willingness to undergo training but more importantly to become an active member of the parish. After discussion Cllr Biggs proposed, seconded Cllr Cranfield, that Mrs Sands be offered the post on the understanding that the current clerk would provide a suitable handover/training period. Agreed. Chairman to notify both candidates of the decision.
2019/20 8.0 Children's Play Equipment
i. Damaged Matting. Cllr Martin to check with contractor about status of repairs
ii. Play area safety inspection order placed - work expected shortly
22019/20 9.0 Financial Matters
i. Cheque signed - Wicksteed Leisure - Safety Inspection £54-00p inc VAT
ii. Proposed Budget and Precept 2020/21. Secretary presented a proposed budget for the forthcoming year and after discussion Cllr Biggs proposed, seconded councillor Martin, that the budget be accepted and that the precept for the year 2020/21 be set at £2950-00p as per the current year. Agreed. Secretary to action precept paperwork
2019/20 10.0 Parish Christmas Tree/Carol Singing:
Chairman reported; a tree is available and he will liaise with Cllr Cranfield for the installation/lighting. However, the event is now to be held on Tuesday 10th December, due to unavailability of equipment on the 12th .Cllr Whadcock to arrange procurement of refreshments.
2019/20 11.0 Parish Assets:
Secretary requested that a review of the condition of the parishes assets (bench's, notice boards, picnic tables etc be carried out ready for any remedial works to be carried out in the spring. Members to report at next meeting.
2019/20 12.0 Edenham Charities
Secretary reported that a replacement Trustee is required following the resignation of Cllr Edwards. Cllr Wilson volunteered to fill the post. Secretary to update website.
2019/20 13.0 Correspondence
Various correspondences were studied
2019/20 14.0 Other Business
Cllr Biggs reported; All were saddened to hear of the recent passing of Mrs Jean Joyce (ex councillor/chairman). Jean's determined and passionate contribution to not only the Parish Council but the whole of the community will be greatly missed. Condolences to all of her family.
Cllr Hill, LCC, reported that following concerns raised by Mr Whyles, 'Agrilinc' Scottlethorpe, he has raised the issue of poor drainage and the condition of the road by Randall's farm with the Highways Dept. He also is aware of the blocked drain on Main Street, Edenham (Pillarwood Farm),and the poor condition of the drainage dykes alongside Gunborough Hill both of which he will endeavour to get rectified.
Cllr Whadcock reported; Steam action are still progressing the purchase of Memorial Benches and a letter giving assurance to the council that the committee will accept responsibility for the long term care and maintenance of such will be forwarded soon.
2019/20 15.0 Next Meeting
The next meeting of Edenham Parish Council will take place on Tuesday, 14th January 2020 in Edenham Village Hall commencing at 7:30pm.
With there being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9:20pm