January 2019 Agenda

To Councillors of Edenham, Grimsthorpe, Elsthorpe & Scottlethorpe Parish Council.

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the above named Council to be held in Edenham Village Hall, Church Lane, Edenham on Tuesday the 8th of January 2019, commencing at 7:30pm.

The business to be transacted at the meeting is as follows:

1. Open Forum:                                       As Required.

2. Parish Council Meeting:                      Commence.

3. Minutes of Last Meeting:                   Read and Sign.

4.  Request for Dispensation:                   As Required.

5.  Declarations of Interest:                     As Required.

6.  Update from Previous Meeting:          i.   Street Cleaning - Ongoing

                                                                        ii.  SID - Edenham, Copylawn Farm.

7.  Planning Applications:                        i.  S18/2162 - Mr T Blanchard livestock building - Elsthorpe Grange.

                                                                        ii. S18/2231 - Grimsthorpe Castle - Alteration to Listed Building.

8.   Xmas Tree/Carol Singing:                   Cllr Cranfield - Report on event. Cllr Biggs - future events.

9. Councillor Areas of Interest:               Discuss - Allocate.                             

10. Village Hall Room Hire:                     Invoice/Hire Agreement  2018/19 - (£60-00p).

11.  Financial Matters:                               i.  Cheques signed prior to meeting;

                                                                                    a.  HMRC - PAYE 3rd Qtr 2018/19 (£74-60p)

                                                                                    b. Mr LA Clayton - Wage3rd Qtr 2018/19 (£297-12p)

                                                                        ii.  Mrs A Whadcock - costs Carol Singing event - (£57-34p)


12.   Correspondence:                                 Various.

13.  Other Business:                                   As Reqd.

14.  Next Meeting:                                     Tuesday 12th March 2019 @ 7:30pm.

15.  Parish Council Meeting:                      Close.  

Information :

Parish Council Meeting Dates for your diary!!!  All Tuesday night at 7:30 pm - Edenham Village Hall, 14th May,  9th July, 10th September, 12th November (Charity Trustee meet to follow), 14th January 2020.