May 2019 Agenda

To Councillor of Edenham, Grimsthorpe, Elsthorpe & Scottlethorpe Parish Council.

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the above named Council to be held in Edenham Village Hall, Church Lane, Edenham on Tuesday the 14th of May 2019, commencing at 7:30pm.

The business to be transacted at the meeting is as follows:

1. Annual Parish Meeting As Required.

2. Parish Council Meeting:

3. Acceptance of Office:

i. Members to sign Acceptance of Office forms.
(Local Election 2019) ii. Declaration of Interest Forms - complete.
iii. Election of officers;
a. Chairman. - b. Vice-Chairman.

3. Councillor Vacancy: Co-option of another member required.

4. Minutes of Last Meeting: Read and Sign.

5. Request for Dispensation: As Required.

6. Declarations of Interest: As Requited.

7. Update from Previous Meeting: i. Street Cleaning - Grant for Apr/Oct 19 £426.92 (£8.21p/Hr)
ii. SID - Edenham - Pillarwood Farm.

8. Financial Matters: i. Clerks Admin/Expenses 2018/19 - £67.96
ii. NALC Pay Scale 2018/19 - Clerk Salary - Review.
iii. Insurance Policy Renewal - £248-10p
iv. Annual Accounts/Internal Audit - Acceptance.
v. AGAR Exemption Certificate - complete.
vi. AGAR Section 1 - Governance Statement - Approve.
vii. AGAR Section 2 - Accounting Statements - Approve.

9. Bourne CiCLE Event: Parish Participation/Promotion.

10. Council Order Review; i. Standing Orders
ii. Financial Regulations
iii. Complaints Procedure.

11. Correspondence: Various.

12. Other Business: As Reqd.

13. Next Meeting: Tuesday 9th July 2019

14. Parish Council Meeting: Close.