March 2021 Minutes

Parish Council Meeting Minutes 09th March 2021.
Attendees - Parish Councillors Mrs Cranfield (Vice Chairman), Mrs Treacy, Mr Bradley (19:30 to 20:10hrs), Mr Clarke, Mr Wilson (20:10 to 20:36hrs), Mrs Marshall, Mr Hawes, Parish Clerk Mrs Sands.
Lincolnshire County Councillor Mr Hill (19:30 to 19:45)
1.0        Public Open Forum - As there were no members of the public present on the zoom meeting, the Vice Chairman closed the open forum.
1.1        Lincolnshire County Council - Councillor Hill confirmed that the Highways team were continuing to patch roads and recent works have been completed on Scottlethorpe Road and Church Lane.  The Government has provided additional monies to support local businesses during the pandemic.    
1.2        South Kesteven District Council - Councillor Robins was not in attendance at the meeting.           
2.0        Commencement of the Parish Council Meeting 
2.1        Apologies - none received
2.2        The Parish Council resolved to accept the minutes as a true record for the meeting on 12th January 2020, this was proposed by Councillor Treacy and seconded by Councillor Clarke.
3.0        Request for dispensation - None requested
4.0        Declaration of interest - None requested
5.0        Steam Action Support during Covid 19 Lockdown.  Lucie Wilson Chairman confirmed that they called everyone on the list again to make sure everyone was okay in this current lockdown and it was confirmed that everyone seems to be well into their routines, either doing their own shopping or having people looking out for them.
            Steam  Action are starting to look into fundraising ideas and organising events back at the village hall when permitted.
6.0        Update from previous Parish Council Meeting and new Parish Matters
6.1        Community Street Cleaning, we are continuing to see an increase in litter around the roads with a particular increase in alcoholic bottles and cans. Fly tipping is also on the increase in the area. 
            Councillor Bradley suggested a Community litter picking session, the Parish Clerk confirmed that these are not currently permitted under Covid 19 controls.
6.2        Speed Indicator Display this is due to be removed from opposite the Church to allow the data to be downloaded.
            Following the near miss on Scottlethorpe Road which was reported to the Highways, they have replied confirming that the signage in the area meets the legal requirements. 
6.3        Damaged Road Signs  - The Highways department have been made aware of the large number of damaged signs and are working to repair or replace. The Parish Council will continue to report damages.
6.4        Gigabyte Voucher Scheme - Councillor Clarke confirmed that the grant scheme has now expired and despite continuing to contact Openreach and the contact at Onlincolnshire before it expired he has received no contact back. There is an expectation that the scheme will be renewed and therefore Councillor Clarke will continue to look for ways to progress this.
6.5        Flower beds in the village - The Highways department have approved the application for the use of tractor tyres in the locations agreed at the previous meeting. It was resolved by the Parish Council that Councillor Bradley progress with the necessary organising and completion of the flower beds.
6.6        Grey recycling bin -  A member of the public contacted the Parish Clerk to raise concerns about a bin which has been in place by the river bridge for a number of years, this is over   flowing with waste including dog fouling waste bags. The Parish Council resolved that the bin be removed and the waste emptied. Councillor Bradley has kindly offered to do this. It was also agreed that the bin will not be put back due to difficult of getting it emptied.
6.7        Waste water issues by Pillarwood Farmhouse - Councillor Hawes gave an overview of the re-occurring problem of effluent escaping from a main sewer manhole outside Pillarwood        Farmhouse, Main Street, Edenham. This has been a long standing issue and become an increased problem since the new properties in Ancaster Court  have come on line. This also impacts the road surface of the A151 and was hazardous during the recent snowy, icy weather. It was resolved that the Parish Clerk write to Anglian Water to raise concerns and ask for a resolution to the problem, Lincolnshire County Councillor Mr Hill to be copied.
6.8       Clarke Telecom - Proposed radio base station installation at CTIL_248810_TF_086942      grass verge on Main Street (A151) between Grimsthorpe and Edenham, Lincolnshire, PE10 0NG,NGR E: 504995 N: 322479. Clarke Telecom sent out advanced notification of their intention to apply for planning application for a mast to be installed. The Parish Council resolved that the Parish Clerk write to Clarke Telecom outlining the concerns for this location and its impact on a number of listed building and the boundary of a garden and parkland listed in Historic England’s Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest.
7.0        Play  Area  - The internal inspection report and photographs from Councillor Treacy for the inspection on 2nd March 2021 was circulated to the Councillors in  advance of the meeting.             Councillor Treacy has raised a number of concerns. The most serious being exposed concrete around the frame posts of the small swings. It was resolved that Councillor Wilson, Councillor Treacy and the Parish Clerk arrange a site visit to confirm actions needed to resolve the problems.
8.0        Village Hall Report - The Parish Clerk provided the Parish Council with information in advance of the meeting which confirms that the Parish Council are detailed on the lease as a Custodian Trustee. The Custodian Trustee has no power to manage the property and no role  in the administration of the charity. They are not accountable for the day to day running of the village hall, this is the responsibility of the management committee. It was resolved that the  Village Hall does not require an agenda item on each meeting.
9.0        Planning Applications - The Parish Council resolved that there were no comments to add to any of the applications shown below.
9.1        S21/0143 - Home Farm, Grimsthorpe.  Discharge of Condition 3 (soft landscaping) of     permission S20/1400.
9.2        S21/0188 - Grimsthorpe Castle Proposed Minor Alterations to Grade 1 Listed Building and associated maintenance works and roofing repairs to existing flat roof above. Discuss and agree any comments that the Parish Council wish to deadline is by 12th March.
9.3        S21/0361- Grimsthorpe Castle, Section 19 to vary condition 2 for application S20/0662 raised      in 2020.
9.4        S21/0362 - Grimsthorpe Castle, none material amendments to the application raised        S20/0661in 2020. 
10.0      Financial Matters
10.1      Receipts - None received
10.2      Expenditure - The Parish Council resolved to accept and pay the amounts detailed shown
            Total expenditure                                               £581.18 details shown below
            PAYE 4th Quarter Salary Street Cleaning            £ 181.32
            PAYE 4th Quarter Salary Parish Clerk                 £  162.36
            HMRC 4th Quarter                                                  £ 45.40
            Christmas lights batteries (owed to Cllr Cranfield)   £14.36
            LALC Subscription                                                    £83.74
            LALC Training subscription                                        £90.00
10.3      Bank Reconciliation as 9th March 2021
            Treasurers Account                                            £1713.68
            Business Account                                              £3440.15
11.0      Correspondence 
11.1      LIVES Charity - First responders working throughout Lincolnshire areas including our areas.
11.2      LLC Highways notification of patch repairs on  Scottlethorpe Rd 15/16th March. Works were carried out last week of February.
12.0      Next Meeting Date - 11th May 2021 at 19:30 hours -The Annual Parish Meeting will take place before the Annual Parish Council Meeting.
At this time it is not clear how these meetings will be held and we are looking for clarification from the UK Government and the National Body for Local Councils to understand if the legislation that was introduced to allow meetings to be carried out using a virtual platform will be extended. 
There being no other business the Vice Chairman closed the meeting at 20:36
The Parish Council resolved to accept the draft minutes as a true record of the meeting on 9th March 2021.