July 2021 Minutes

Minutes from the Parish Council Meeting 13th July 2021 at 19:30hrs in Edenham Village Hall 
Attendees - Parish Councillors Mrs Cranfield (Chairman), Mrs Treacy, Mr Wilson, Mrs Marshall, Mr Hawes, Parish Clerk Mrs Sands and Councillor Hill Lincolnshire County Council
1.    Public Open Forum - Three members of the public were in attendance.
Two were present to discuss the scheme of adopting a telephone kiosk for £1 (Agenda item 5.7), whilst the third member is interested in the Councillor Casual vacancy (Agenda item 2.1).
If the Parish Council purchase the kiosk in Edenham it could be used as a library/book swap by local residents. The attendees confirmed that they would do general upkeep and run this, however, they have not checked the current condition of the kiosk and do not have the necessary skills to do repairs. The Chairman of the Parish Council raised concerns about the potential costs that this ownership would potential put on the Council. It was agreed that the Parish Council  will discuss this further and review again at the next meeting in September 2021.
1.1.  Lincolnshire County Council Councillor Mr Martin Hill -
The Boundary Commission for England initial proposals for the East Midlands region has been published. This proposal suggests that we become part of Rutland and Stamford, this is currently under review and if accepted the changes are planned for 2023. Councillor Hill confirmed that the main change for us would be a change of Member of Parliament (MP), however, all other services would remain the same.
Local roads repairs - Councillor Hill confirmed that Highways are continuing to work on potholes throughout the Parishes and other local areas.
Culvert Works Edenham A151 - Work started on Monday 12th July and the road has been closed to allow works to be carried out safely.
1.2.   South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) Councillor Mr N Robins - not in attendance.
The Chairman closed the open forum and opened the Parish Council meeting at 19.50.
2.    Commencement of the  Annual Parish Council Meeting
2.1.  Resignation of Councillor D Bradley & Councillor Casual Vacancy - The legal Election process requirements were followed, following the recent resignation of Mr Des Bradley. South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) confirmed that there had been no interest. The Councillor Casual Vacancy was advertised with a closing date of 9th July 2021and we have one person who is interested in joining the Council.
2.2.  Apologies - Councillor Clarke
2.3.  Approval of Minutes - The  minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting held 11th May 2021.Proposer - Councillor Wilson, Seconded - Councillor Hawes. Printed minutes were formally signed by Chairman.
3.    Request for dispensation - N/A
4.    Declaration of interest - N/A
5.    Parish Clerk and Councillors update from previous meeting
5.1.  Community Street cleaning - Parish Clerk nothing to report at this time.
5.2.   Speed Indicator monitor - The Parish Clerk shared the graphs from the   speed monitor with the Councillors, it was reported the volume of traffic for 10th May 2021 to 4th July 2021 was 145,724 vehicles, the number of speeding vehicles (35 to 80mph) was 49,034, four vehicles were recorded  at 80mph.
5.3.    Gigabyte Voucher Scheme - Councillor Clark was not present at the meeting to provide an update. Review at the next meeting 14th September 2021.
5.4.    Openreach/BT Exchange Grimsthorpe - Tree cutting. BT have not currently approved the funds for this work. Parish Clerk to continue chasing for confirmation.
5.5.     Flower Beds - Des Bradley has kindly agreed to continue to maintain the flower beds on behalf of the Parish Council. The flowers and plants in the tyres are all looking really good as does the   new grass on the verge by Copy Lawn Farm.   
Following discussions at the previous Parish Council meeting in relation to the issues on the frontage of the Coal Yard, Main Street, Edenham. Mr Coups Grimsthorpe Estate has asked if we would consider putting tractor tyres on the frontage of the coal yard as this has clearly helped with the issue at Copy Lawn Farm. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk confirm details with           Grimsthorpe Estate and contact Des Bradley to see if he will offer support for this.
5.6.  Waste Water issues Pillarwood Farmhouse/A151 - Parish Clerk has been unable to gain information from  Anglian Water due to data protection, however, Mr Coups Grimsthorpe  Estate confirmed there is a meeting planned and has kindly agreed that a member of the Parish Council can attend.
5.7.   Adopt a telephone box for £1 scheme - This was covered in the public   forum.  
5.8.   Street lighting on Church Lane - Parish Clerk confirmed that there are   different types of street lighting along this area and this has been raised with both SKDC/Highways who are aware of this and are monitoring the situation   at present, it was confirmed that works are planned for the future. There are also trees obscuring a light near the Vicarage and the Cottage opposite. It was agreed that this be raised with both parties to agree trimming of the trees.
5.9.   Dog walking on the playing fields - Councillor Wilson confirmed that new signage has been placed around the Village Hall and the playing field which   requires dog owners to keep dogs on leads and to clean up dog poo.
5.10.  Benches - Village Hall (Steam Action) - No update at this time, it was agreed to review at the next meeting 14th September 2021.
5.11.  Mobile Library - Parish Clerk has confirmed that Edenham School are interested in using this service. Details are being worked on with the service provider with the possibility that the service may start Monday 7th September 2021. Once agreed details will be shared with everyone.
5.12.   Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of Queen Elizabeth ll June 2022.
           Review at the next meeting 14th September 2021.
6.    New Parish Council Matters
6.1.   Boundary Review - This was covered in the public forum.
6.2    Anglian Water Strategic Water Pipeline - work is currently ongoing to assess the route for the pipeline, which will bring water from the North of England to the drier areas in the South. This is still very much work in progress with environmental assessments being carried out. Full details can be found on Anglian Water website.
7.    Play Area Information  
7.1.  Refurbishment - A number of wooden sections have been replaced along with the Junior swing seats and grass areas reseeded. The Parish Council are pleased with the works that have been completed and agreed that the  invoice be paid.
7.2.  Internal Inspection - Councillor Treacy completed the inspection and confirmed that there are no issues to report.
7.3.  Annual Inspection - The Parish Council agreed to change the service provider for the annual inspection to ROSPA, the reports from them provide more details and the costs compare with the current service provider.
8.    Planning Matters
8.1.  New applications - None received at this time.
8.2.  Planning Decision Notices - Update Information
Planning Application No
The installation of a 20m monopole supporting 3 no. antennas, 2 no. equipment cabinets and ancillary development thereto including 1 No. GPS module
Install a green bedding system comprising a 5m x 5m piece of plant equipment adjacent to slurry store and construction of a 30m x 30m dirty water lagoon
Extended programme of various (ongoing) masonry repairs to walled garden.
Decision Awaited
9.    Financial Matters
9.1.  Receipts -
Community Street Cleaning Grant  Apr/Oct              £463.32
VAT Refund 2020/21                                                 £  42.00
9.2 Expenditure - Paid as agreed at May meeting
      Zurich Insurance                                                         £313.51
      Street Cleaning Salary 1st Qtr                                    £181.52
      Parish Clerk Salary 1st Qtr                                         £162.36
      HMRC PAYE 1st Qtr                                                  £  45.20
9.3 Expenditure - Due for payment agreed in agenda item 7.1
      Play Area refurbishment costs                                   £1368.00 + VAT
9.4 Bank Reconciliation Report
      Treasurers Account (as of 4th July 2021)                  £3889.23                
      Business Account (as of 4th July 2021)                     £3440.27
10.  Correspondence
10.1 SK Community Awards - Closing date 18th July 2021
10.2 Road Closures commencing 12th July - Highways works on culverts
10.3 Lincolnshire Police - Working with Communities Letter
10.4 Lincolnshire Youth Commission Service Recruitment
10.5 Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of Queen Elizabeth ll - Lighting Beacons
11.  Next Meeting Date - 14th September 2021 at 19:30hours
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 21.45 hours 
The minutes were added to the website on 15th July 2021 at 15:12hrs by the Parish Clerk 
The Parish Council resolved to accept the draft minutes as a true record of the meeting.