September 2021 Minutes

Parish Council Meeting Draft Minutes 14th September 2021
Attendees - Parish Councillors Mrs Cranfield (Chairman), Mrs Treacy, Mr Wilson, Mrs Marshall, Mr Hawes, Mr T Clarke (Vice Chairman), Parish Clerk Mrs Sands.
1.Public Open Forum - There were no members of the public present.
1.1.Lincolnshire County Council Councillor Mr Martin Hill - Apologies received and information sent was shared with the Councillors.
1.2.South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) Councillor Mr N Robins - Apologies received and information sent was shared with the Councillors.
 As there was no other business the Chairman closed the open forum and opened the Parish Council meeting at 19.35.
2.Commencement of the Parish Council Meeting
2.1.Councillor Casual Vacancy Vote - Mrs Margaret Avis was co-opted to the Parish Council, the required forms were completed.
2.2.Apologies - LCC Mr M Hill & SKDC Mr N Robins
2.3.Approval of Minutes - The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting held 13th July 2021. Proposer - Councillor Wilson, Seconded - Councillor Treacy. Printed minutes were formally signed by Chairman.
3.Request for dispensation - None requested
4.Declaration of interest - None requested.
5.Parish Clerk and Councillors update from previous meeting
5.1.Community Street cleaning - Fly tipping continues to be an issue near the Forestry Commission gateway on Edenham Rd Hanthorpe. A latest incident has been reported to SKDC.
5.2.Speed Indicator Monitor & Parking for School Drop Offs- The Parish Clerk reported that during this period the traffic volume was reduced due to the road closure for culvert work near Bourne Wood, however, vehicle speeds continue to be an issue with 9,526 vehicles recorded of speeds of 40 to 100 mph.
A near miss has been reported on Main Street, Edenham, vehicles were parked on the double yellow lines near the Church where the road narrows. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk contact the local Police  to monitor this. The incident was also reported to Edenham Primary School.
Residents have raised concerns about the speeds of vehicles travelling on Scottlethorpe Road. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk contact the local businesses to make them aware of the concerns raised, we would also ask local residents to adhere to the speed limits.
5.3.Gigabyte Voucher Scheme - Councillor Clarke reported that he has now made some progress and has a quote for works which is in the region of £47.5k, this covers approx 10 properties at the top of Scottlethorpe Road. It is understood that a grant may be available to cover approx. £21k. Councillor Clarke agreed to invite the representative from Openreach to attend the next meeting.
5.4.Openreach/BT Exchange Grimsthorpe - Tree cutting. No further update available for this meeting, Parish Clerk to continue to chase.
5.5.Waste Water issues Pillarwood Farmhouse/A151 - A meeting was held at Pillar Wood Farm, 19th July with Anglian Water, Mr Coups of Grimsthorpe Estate the Parish Clerk represented the Parish Council. The representative from  Anglian Water confirmed that some work has taken place at the sewage works and further work is planned adjacent to Pillarwood Farmhouse to help with the ongoing issues.
5.6.Adopt a telephone box for £1 scheme - Customer Services Payphones team have carried out minor works on the both kiosks. The team confirmed that authorisation has been given the repaint the kiosks and that this will be completed in 2022. The Parish Council agreed unanimously to review this again when the work has been fully completed. Parish Clerk to contact the residents who raised an interest in this scheme to confirm the outcome of the discussion.
5.7.Street lighting on Church Lane - The Chairman confirmed that trees obscuring some of the lights near the Vicarage have now been trimmed.
5.8.Benches - Steam Action - This is currently on hold until further notice.
5.9.Mobile Library - The four weekly service commenced 6th September at 14:30 in the Village Hall Car Park. The schedule is shown below:-
October 2021
November 2021
December 2021
January 2022
February 2022
1st & 29th
5.10.Mobile Post Office - The Parish Clerk confirmed that the box required for data is now in place at the Village Hall, once the data download is complete the service can resume, this is expected to be in October 2021.
5.11.Platinum Jubilee for Queen Elizabeth ll June 2022 - Parish Clerk to contact Grimsthorpe Estate to see if they have any events planned that the Parish Council might be able to join and support.
6.New Parish Council Matters
6.1 Christmas Carols & Christmas Tree - The Parish Council agreed unanimously that the event resume this year, the date was agreed as 14th December 2021 at 18:30 hours. Parish Clerk to contact Grimsthorpe Estate to see if they can support by donating  the Christmas Tree.
6.2 Community Speed Watch - Information has been received for the requirements of the scheme, e.g. trained volunteers, equipment etc. The Councillors raised a number of questions it was agreed that the Parish Clerk contact the scheme provider to gain more information. This will be discussed again at the next meeting.
7.    Play Area Information  
7.1 Annual Inspection - The annual inspection has been completed by ROSPA Play Safe, the report raised a number of minor points. The report is currently being working through.
8. Planning Matters
8.1 New applications - None received at this time.
8.2 Planning Decision Notices - Update Information
Planning Application No
Extended programme of various (ongoing) masonry repairs to walled garden.
Decision Awaited
9. Financial Matters
9.1 Receipts - Nothing to report
9.2  Expenditure - Paid as agreed at July meeting
     Play Area refurbishment costs                                        £1641.60 (inc VAT)
     Street Cleaning Salary 1st Qtr                                        £  181.52
      Parish Clerk Salary 1st Qtr                                             £  162.36
      HMRC PAYE 1st Qtr                                                      £   45.20
9.3 Expenditure -
     ROSPA Play Safe                                                          £  82.20 (inc VAT)
     Street Cleaning Salary 2nd Qtr                                       £181.52
     Parish Clerk Salary 2nd Qtr                                            £162.36
     HMRC PAYE 2nd Qtr                                                     £  45.20
9.4  Bank Reconciliation Report
      Treasurers Account (as of 1st September 2021)              £2247.63          
      Business Account (as of 1st September 2021)              £3440.33
10.1 SKDC Village Survey - Parish Council reply required by end September 2021
11. Next Meeting Date - 9th November 2021 at 19:30hours
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.55hours
The minutes were posted on the website on 17th September 2021 at 11:33 hours
The Parish Council resolved to accept the draft mintues as a true record of the meeting.