November 2021 Minutes

Parish Council Meeting Minutes 9th November 2021

Attendees - Parish Councillors Mrs Cranfield (Chairman), Mr Wilson, Mrs Marshall, Mr T Clarke (Vice Chairman), Parish Clerk Mrs Sands.

1.Public Open Forum - There were no members of the public present.

As there was no members of the public in attendance the Chairman closed the open forum and opened the Parish Council meeting at 19.35.

2.Commencement of the Parish Council Meeting

2.1.Apologies - Councillors Mrs A Treacy, Mr D  & Mrs M Avis.

2.2.Approval of Minutes - The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting held 14th September 2021. Proposer - Councillor Wilson, Seconded - Councillor Marshall. Printed minutes were formally signed by Chairman.

3.Request for dispensation - None requested

4.Declaration of interest - None requested.

5.Parish Clerk and Councillors update from previous meeting

5.1        Community Street cleaning - The Parish Clerk has contacted SKDC to ask about the second payment for which is now due into the Parish Council bank account .

5.2        Speed Indicator monitor - Data from the monitor continues to show that vehicle speeding through the village is a regular occurrence.

5.3        Scottlethorpe Road Vehicle Speeds - The Parish Council received positive response from a local business, who confirmed that their employees have been made aware of the        local residents concerns.

5.4        Community Speed Watch (CWS) - Membership for  CSW is £40, the Parish Council are required to puchase the equipment to carry out this task and complete the training before            this can be progressed. It was agreed to review again in the New Year.

5.5        Gigabyte Voucher Scheme - Councillor Clarke is continuing to look at finding a solution for the use of the scheme.

5.6        Openreach/BT Exchange Building Grimsthorpe - There has been no progress on reducing the height/size of the conifer trees, the Parish Clerk is continuing to chase BT for closure.

5.7        Mobile Library  - The service has been in place now for two months, the next date is 29th November.

5.8        Mobile Post Office - Parish Clerk is waiting for confirmation on when this service will be restored.  

5.9        Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of Queen Elizabeth ll - 2nd - 5th June 2022 - The Parish Council are looking to join and support the Steam Action team for this celebration event.

5.10      Christmas Carols & Christmas tree - 14th December 2021 at 18:30 hours. Grimsthorpe Castle Estate have kindly agreed to supply the Christmas Tree and Mr Heath Cranfield has             given us the use of his field by Church Lane/Main Street Edenham. We are really pleased to have this event back in the calendar and look forward to welcoming everyone on the          evening where mince pies and mulled wine will be served.

5.11      Flower bed - Main Street Edenham (Coal Yard) - We have consulted with Grimsthorpe Castle Estate and they have kindly agreed that we can place a flower bed in this area.

6.New Parish Council Matters

6.1        Asset Register - The register has been updated and checks made on the items listed.    

6.2        Precept & Budget 2022/23 - Parish Clerk shared the information and it will be finalised at the January 2022 meeting.

6.3        Parish Council Hard Drive Repair - Parish Clerk confirmed that the drive is required, it was agreed that this repair should be progressed.

6.4        Funding Opportunities - There are various funding opportunities  which may be available to support  Steam Action in the purchase of benches. Councillor Cranfield suggested that the Parish Council could look at funding for a commemorative bench for the Queens Platinum Jubilee.

7.    Play Area Information  

7.1 Internal Inspection - Report awaited from Councillor Treacy.

8. Planning Matters

8.1 New applications - None received at this time.

8.2 Planning Decision Notices - Update Information

Planning Application No




Extended programme of various (ongoing) masonry repairs to walled garden.

Approved with conditions

9.Financial Matters - Update from Parish Clerk

9.1 Audit Report - The auditor has completed the half year audit and the accounts are in order.

9.2 Receipts - None received  

 9.3 Confirmed Expenditure - Paid as agreed at September meeting

      ROSPA Play Safe                                              £  82.20 (inc VAT)

      Street Cleaning Salary 2nd Qtr                           £181.52

      Parish Clerk Salary 2nd Qtr                                £162.36

      HMRC PAYE 2nd Qtr                                         £  45.20

9.3   Bank Reconciliation Report

            Treasurers Account (1st November  2021)           £1776.35

            Business Account (1st November 2021)             £3440.39

9.4  Expenditure - Due for payment December 2021

     Street Cleaning Salary 3rd Qtr                            £181.52

     Parish Clerk Salary 3rd Qtr                                 £162.36

     HMRC PAYE 3rd Qtr                                          £  45.20

      Hard Drive Replacement (Estimate)                    £  90.00

       All payments were agreed at this meeting

10 Correspondence

10.1 SKDC Salt Bags - No further action required

10.2 Dog Fouling - Dog Poo Fairy Campaign- No further action required

10.3 Dimensions Skatepark Bourne - Donation- Parish Clerk to contact the Charity Trustee

10.4 Local Transport Consultation -  No further action required

10.5 The Police & Crime Commissioner - Annual Precept Survey - Survey is now open for responses.

11. Next Meeting Date - 11th January 2022 at 19:30hours, Edenham Village Hall at 19:30 hours.

12.Meeting Dates 2022 - 8th March, 10th May, 12th July, 13th September and 8th November 2022.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.50hours

The minutes posted on the website 11/11/21 at 13:39

The Parish Council resolved to accept the draft mintues as a true record of the meeting.