May 2021 Minutes

 Minutes - Parish Council Meeting 11th May 2021.

Attendees - Parish Councillors Mrs Cranfield (Vice Chairman), Mrs Treacy(19:30 to 20.50hrs), Mr Bradley, Mr Clarke, Mr Wilson, Mrs Marshall, Mr Hawes, Parish Clerk Mrs Sands.

Annual Parish Council Meeting

1.Acceptance of Office

1.1.Election of Officers - - Cllr Treacy proposed Cllr P Cranfield for the role of Chairman, Cllr Clark seconded. All Cllr's agreed Chairman - Cllr Wilson proposed Cllr Clark for the role of Vice Chairman, Cllr Cranfield seconded. All Cllr's agreed of Office forms completed.

2.Public Open Forum - As there were no members of the public in attendance, the Chairman closed the open forum and opened the Annual Parish Council meeting.

2.1.Lincolnshire County Council Councillor Mr M Hill - not in attendance.

2.2.South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) Councillor Mr N Robins - not in attendance.

3.Commencement of the  Annual Parish Council Meeting

3.1.Apologies - Cllr Robins, South Kesteven District Council

3.2.The Parish Council resolved to accept the minutes as a true record for the meeting on 9th March 2021, proposed by Councillor Cranfield and seconded by Councillor Wilson.

4.Request for dispensation - None received.

5.Declaration of interest - None Received.

6.Parish Clerk and Councillors update from previous meeting

6.1.Community Street cleaning - SKDC have confirmed that the community street cleaning grant will be paid again this year.

We are continuing to see a high level of litter around the villages and increased fly tipping activity near Gunborough Hill.

A  resident has reported that HGV's are using the coal yard pull in area on Main Street, Edenham for overnight parking and that litter and human excrement have been found when the vehicle has left the area. This is concerning as parents taking their children to Edenham School use this area for parking. The resident has been cleaning the area. It was resolved that the Parish Clerk contact Grimsthorpe Estate who own the land to ask for support in trying to resolve this matter.

6.2.Speed Indicator monitor - Parish Clerk provided data from the speed monitor dating back from 2018 to present day. The data shows that there are a large number of vehicles passing  through the village at excessive speed, the highest recorded was105 mph. Concerns were raised for the safety of residents and children attending Edenham and Pillarwood Farm Pre-school. It was resolved that the Parish Clerk contact Lincolnshire Police to share the data  and ask for support and advise in dealing with this issue.

6.3.Gigabyte Voucher Scheme - Councillor Clark confirmed that there has been no further progress and that the new voucher scheme is exactly the same as the previous one. It was resolved that Councillor Clarke contact LCC Councillor Hill for support.

6.4.Openreach/BT Exchange, Main Street, Grimsthorpe - Openreach/BT are now disputing ownership of the wall and the trees and therefore they are not prepared to carryout works. The Parish Council believe the Land Registry documents confirms that the ownership sits with Openreach/BT. It was resolved that the Parish Clerk continue to try to resolve this with the company.

6.5.Flower Beds - Councillor Bradley has now placed the tractor tyres in the agreed locations and they have been planted. This work has been completed without any costs to the Parish Council, the Councillors would like to thank Mr Peter Eustance and Mr Eddy Peeling who have very kindly donated plants and Councillor Bradley for his work on delivering this project. 

6.6.Grey Bin by the river bridge - Councillor Bradley confirmed that the bin has now been removed from this location.  

6.7.Waste Water issues Pillarwood Farmhouse/A151 - Councillor Hawes confirmed that Grimsthorpe Estate are now progressing this issue with Anglian Water. The Parish Clerk confirmed that Anglian Water have not replied to the letter sent by the Parish Council back in March 2021 in which we asked for information on actions they are taking to resolve the ongoing issue. It was resolved that the Parish Clerk again contact Anglian Water for a response.

7.New Parish Council Matters

7.1.Burglaries and trespassing around Scottlethorpe and Edenham - It is confirmed that 11 homes were affected during the night of Good Friday and the early hours of Saturday morning.  The incidents were reported to the police and a number of CCTV photos were provided showing the person(s) responsible. At this time no one has been apprehended for the crimes. We ask Parishioners to continue to be vigilant and to report any suspicious activity to the Police.

7.2.Adopt a telephone box for £1 scheme - The Parish Council have been contacted by two residents to ask if the Council would consider purchasing the telephone kiosk in Edenham and Grimsthorpe. The Councillors raised concerns about the ongoing upkeep of the kiosks and resolved that the Parish Clerk contact the residents who have shown an interest in the scheme to attend the next Parish Council meeting to discuss their proposal for use, general maintenance and upkeep of the kiosks before the final decision to purchase is made.

7.3.Street lighting - A resident contacted the Parish Clerk to ask if the Parish Council would consider checking with Highways if the current lighting from the Village Hall to the Vicarage is sufficient, the resident feels that there is an area which is dark. It was resolved that the Parish Clerk check that all lights are working and any issues be reported to the Highways Department.

7.4.Dog walking on the playing fields - The Parish Clerk has been contacted by a resident who has raised concerns about the number of people walk their dogs on the playing field. There has also been a recent incident whereby a bag of dog waste was left on one of the benches on the field. It was agreed that Councillor Wilson review this with the Village Hall committee as they look after the playing field. It was agreed that this be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.

7.5.Benches - Village Hall (Steam Action) - The Chair of Steam Action has contacted the Parish Clerk to ask if the Parish Council would be willing to add two new benches to the Insurance. It was resolved that in principal they would agree to this, however, more information will be required and it is likely that there will be an increase on the insurance premium.

7.6.Great British Spring Clean - This is taking place 28th May to 13th June 2021 and the aim is to litter pick local areas. The Councillors raised a number of concerns relating to health and safety and the short time available to organise this. It was therefore resolved that the Parish Council would not commit to this, this year.

7.7.Mobile Library Service -  Residents have contacted the Parish Clerk to enquire about the introduction of the mobile library service to Edenham. The service provider have confirmed that for this service to be viable they have a requirement that at least 3 people visit the vehicle every 30 minutes, therefore for the one hour stop 6 people must use the library. It was resolved that the Parish Clerk contact Edenham School to see if they would be interested in this service. If any Parishioners are interested please contact the Parish Clerk to register your interest - email or telephone 01778 591435. 

7.8.Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of Queen Elizabeth ll June 2022 - It was resolved that the Parish Council will look to join together with Steam Action and the Village Hall committee for this celebration. It was agreed that Councillor Wilson and Councillor Treacy would follow this up with the committees. This will be added to the next meeting agenda.

8.Play Area Information 

8.1.The Parish Clerk has received a number of quotes for the repairs to the grass and for a number of the wooden posts which will need to be replaced in the near future. It was resolved that the Parish Clerk contact the contractor that the Parish Council would like to complete this work.

Concerns were also raised about damage on the play equipment from the strimmer used by the grassing cutting contractors, it was agreed that Councillor Wilson speak with the contractors.

8.2.Councillor Treacy completed the internal inspection and confirmed that there is nothing new to add, however, some areas of the grass have deteriorated.  

9.Planning Matters

9.1.New applications received.  

Planning Application No





The installation of a 20m monopole supporting 3 no. antennas, 2 no. equipment cabinets and ancillary development thereto including 1 No. GPS module

Grass Verge On Main Street(A151)Between Grimsthorpe And Edenham, Grimsthorpe, PE10 0NG.



The Parish Council have provided comments to SKDC Planning Officer, the monopole would   impact on the area and Historic walled gardens and Grimsthorpe Castle.

Full details can be found on SKDC website.


Install a green bedding system comprising a 5m x 5m piece of plant equipment adjacent to slurry store and construction of a 30m x 30m dirty water lagoon

Brook Farm, Main Road, Elsthorpe, Lincolnshire, PE10 0NQ.



Parish Council made no objections or comments to this application. Form submitted to SKDC Planning


Extended programme of various (ongoing) masonry repairs to walled garden

The Walled Garden , Grimsthorpe Castle, Edenham Road, PE10 0LY.



Parish Council made no objections or comments to this application. Form submitted to SKDC Planning

9.2.Decision notice S21/0188 received from SKDC  - Confirms plans approved by SKDC Planning Committee.  

10.Financial Matters

10.1.Receipts - Annual Precept received into Parish Council bank account


10.2.Expenditure - The following expenditures were approved by the Parish Council

10.2.1.Zurich Insurance - This is estimated to be with the addition of the play area and benches which are not currently listed on the policy.  


10.2.2.HMRC PAYE - £45.20

    Community Street Cleaner Salary - £181.52

    Parish Clerk Salary - £162.36

10.2.3.Play Area repairs - for grass and wooden posts - £1,368.00 +VAT

10.3.Bank Reconciliation Report -  

10.3.1.Treasurers Account - £4086.50

10.3.2.Business Account - £3440.24

10.4.Annual Accounts/Internal Audit - All Councillors resolved to accept and approve the accounts and audit from the internal auditor. Proposer Councillor Cranfield, Seconded Councillor Wilson. The annual accounts are available on the Parish Council website

10.5.AGAR Section 1 - Governance Statement for approval - Forms completed during the meeting, all Councillors resolved to accept and approve this. Chairman and Parish Clerk/RFO signed and dated the forms.

10.6. AGAR Section 2 - Accounting Statements for approval - Forms completed during the meeting, all Cllr's resolved to accept and approve this. Chairman and Parish Clerk/RFO signed and dated the forms. The AGAR forms are available on the Parish Council website.

10.7.The Notice of Public Rights & Publication of Annual Governance & Accountability Return (EXEMPT AUTHORITY) is available on the Parish Council website.

           Edenham, Grimsthorpe, Elsthorpe and Scottlethorpe Parish Council (


11.1.Mobile Post Office - The mobile service commenced in late March 2021, however, due to technical issues with connections to the vehicle the service has been suspended until further notice. The Post Office are working to resolve the issue.

11.2.Flood Prevention Offer - Sand for Sands Bags.

11.3.Notice of Election - County Council and Police & Crime Commissioner Elections.

11.4.Census Communication Letter

11.5.Grimsthorpe Estate - Agenda item 6.7 - Information supplied in relation to the ongoing    issues near Pillarwood Farm.

12.Next Meeting Date - 13th July 2021 at 19:30hours

There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 21.28 hours 


Minutes added to the website on 17th May 2021 by the Parish Clerk. 

The minutes were accepted on 13th July as a true record

Proposer - Councillor Andrew Wilson Seconded by Councillor David Hawes

The printed minutes were signed by the Chairman Councillor Cranfield